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Posts posted by Elthosian

  1. 2) The one thing that Tim discussed about wanting to control the entire party's actions and such seems to support the concept of creating a mode where you can make more than one party member in your party ala Icewind Dale. Another request is to please allow this, even if you could only make up to 4/6 party members yourself. It would give you that control you want to feel while still allowing for story. Heck even if you could only make 3/6 characters yourself that would be awesome.


    The drawback of build-your-own party is that you can't build sophisticated interactions based upon character background. That's one of the elements I really missed in the IWD releases.


    OTOH, it might be a nice option to start the game with a sidekick that you've known since early childhood, and for which you have some customization choices. (Like a limited selection of classes that complement your own.) The game could always kill off the sidekick later if he is getting in the way of the story.



    But is it really that hard to implement both things? Detailed companions and the possibility of creating five extra characters, as someone said in another thread, just loop the character creation screen and make the chars occupy their own slot, if you make 3 extra characters you can only two of the Obsidian-made companions.


    Also, Tim answered my question, YAYZ! Cannot wait to see how much detail they are going to put in that race trait stuff :D

  2. I would say such things are quite likely, being Obsidian and all.


    In Neverwinter Nights 2 and Mask of the Betrayer your race hardly had any consequences of importance aside from stats and some special traits/skills (*please, if you are going to tell me that there ARE in MOTB, please do it with spoiler tags! I don't mind about the original game though, don't wanna play that thing again*), so it's a pretty valid doubt, and AFAIK, there are no Obsidian games with the "stupid" mode from Fallout1&2/Arcanum/VtmB.


    I agree on all your points except for ego-stroking the player. I'd strongly argue that your party members always fawning over you is a horribly boring idea mostly used by most crappy RPGs Characters who you have to earn their respect and friendship or characters that can lie, manipulate, or hold information from you are far more interesting; it makes them more like real characters with their own motivations and desires instead of just being wish-fulfillment mindless sycophants that follow you around for little reason. For example, one of the best twists of Planescape: Torment was that Morte and Dak'kon were both lying to you the entire time. Also Ignus and Vhailor were interesting in part because to keep them in your team you have to pretty much lie to them because they utterly hate you but don't recognize who you are. Games need to betray or twist player trust like that more often because due to the interactivity of the medium it's more of an emotional gut punch to have a character that you believed to be a trusted ally turn out to have been using you the entire time. Bioshock is also another great example to this, so much so that it wouldn't work nearly as well in any other medium. I'm hoping you guys steer way from such pandering pap because you've all proven that you make characters far better than that.


    I would like to see the devs answering to this one comment, you make a very good point there!

  4. Could anyone upload the artwork to another server for me? The one they used for it doesn't seem to work with my browser :( Thanks in advance!



    • image-162519-full.jpg?1348534324


    Nope, weird, but anyway, I downloaded another browser and the image worked fine, good piece of art, oh yes sir, cannot wait to see some of the "non-traditional options"!

  5. Rare, of course, even though as of today I don't like Baldur's Gate 1 as much as when I played it, I still love the manner in which getting a +2 or +3 sword was something worthy of celebration, and oh boy, let's not get into these moments where you get enchanted stuff!


    But then you play games like Neverwinter Nights 2 and expansion... Gah, being able to buy +5 enchanted armors in the first store you run across in Mulsantir was pretty annoying and made those little stories the items had very uninteresting, so yeah, first option for me, without a doubt.

  6. I agree, I am tired of being treated like a horny teenager that only plays videogames for a chance to do "you know what" looking at some virtual boobz, please, make designs that are realistic, having women with bikini chainmail or armor cleavage is plain STUPID.


    Also, try to make the female's heavy armors similar to men's ones, it would be pretty dumb to make armors with room for the breasts, as breasts aren't completely solid and they can fit without too much problem inside a breastplate that would be used by a man of the same height, and it would be worse for the user if they used didn't one like that, as the space between the breasts could guide the incoming attacks directly to the throat, owch.

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