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Everything posted by tartparasite

  1. No way that the modest budget will allow for a fully 3d experience without sacrificing huge amounts of game quality and length. Not worth it.
  2. No way that the modest budget will allow for a fully 3d experience without sacrificing huge amounts of game quality and length. Not worth it.
  3. The project is 3 days old and we've had 3 updates. This is some if the best communication from a game developer that I've ever seen.
  4. I actually really enjoy the turn based with pause combat system seen in games such as dragon age origins, although perhaps a queueing system such as the one seen in KOTOR would have made things a little easier. Albeit I feel the real time w.pause system in DAO allowed for great pacing as you could simply waste smaller weaker enemies without the burden of purely turn base combat and its time consuming nature, AND you could, if you so choose, utili ise the pause system when fighting bosses and powerful enemies (giving you a real sense of control and the ability to delve into very tactical combat strategies).
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