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Posts posted by Merlkir

  1. That is your uninformed, ignorant oppinion.

    Weapons are made to kill, not to make you "look cool".



    And video games are made to have fun in, not to be medieval life simulators. If i wanted to stare at realistic weapons all day I'd read a history textbook.


    Hells yeah. God forbid you'd actually be forced to learn about stuff, that'd kill you for sure. Let's just have some retarded fun with spikes and skulls all over! CODPIECES WITH SKULLS NAO!

    • Like 3
  2. While were at it, why is there never a spear+shield option. The tradition is to get caught up in weapon type. Is it one or two handed, if it's two handed it takes up both hands. That doesn't leave any space for a Hoplite type situation.


    The way for instance MnB handles it - some weapons can be be 1 or 2 handed, so depending on how you're using the weapon, different skills apply.

    • Like 1
  3. Karranthain, just ignore the troll.


    Couldn't help myself ;)


    Back on topic, what do you think of this design? It could work for Glanfathan Elf Berserkers perhaps.




    Just a question: Why is he wearing that one pauldron? Is it gonna do much good with him being naked and all?




    (the single pauldron for "light classes" is one of my pet peeves in fantasy designs)

  4. How exactly does the addition of molded breasts make the armor any less functional? If anything the added angles would deflect the kinetic energy of a sword blow better. You might not like the design, but steel plate is steel plate, regardless of what's on it.


    On the contrary. There's been an article posted several times in threads on here, where an armor smith talks about this stuff. The breasts direct blows and stabs into the middle of the chest. Also the way it's shaped creates edges that would possibly hurt the sternum and internal organs if struck with force.



  5. That is a huge drawback for the race. I hope that the race has some familiar connection such as appearance since otherwise it's completely foreign.


    It takes much more time to build in the player's mind a concept that is completely new with no reference points to existing knowledge. Player's have limited time and limited mental resources to dedicate to learning "new" monsters. A few new monsters are cool but populating your game completely without using existing monsters is wasteful, foolish, and harmful to player's ability to fully enjoy the game.


    Good grief. "Players are lazy, let's just give them what they're used to." Sounds familiar? Sounds like any publishers we know?


    Eternity is what they hope will become an entire series of games, set in that world. Let them make something of their own, jesus. It's not a drawback if there's ONE race which is completely alien, which is the case with Eternity.


    And knowing their approach to races, they probably will do something similar with monsters, as someone already speculated. Let them go wild if and when they wanna, it's pretty much sure by now the game won't be full of bizarre aliens.

    • Like 8
  6. Lindsey doesn't need to do gaming covers to be awesome. Most of her stuff isn't gaming covers actually. For example:




    That's a very wet gorgeous woman who knows how to play violin really well while moving all over the place (yes, I've seen her do it live in front of a crowd).


    You're argument is invalid. :-P


    you posted a flippin' DUBSTEP video. Your argument is invalid.



    Now here's a girl off of Youtube! I think she could pull it off for Eternity!



    • Like 1
  7. I know it's not rational at all, but I'm SO SICK of this girl's singing. EVERY SINGLE fan video for Skyrim had that godawful cover of hers for music background, it put me off Skyrim entirely.


    Yeah, she sings ok, but it's too theatrical and affected and I've heard it way too many times.


    Am I the only one feeling a bit uneasy about Youtube "sensations" that became popular when they put on a Zelda costume, or a tacky "medieval armour" bought in a toystore?

    All those violinists posing heroically and dancing wildly in meadows and around seaside cliffs?


    Could they possible suck on the poor internet nerd population any more? We need more maille bikini, more Zelda hats! Nerd porn! Oh, she plays guitar, whoopty friggin' do.


    That said, I do think Laura Intravia is awesome.


    Hey, I said I was irrational! ;)

    • Like 3
  8. From the AmA on reddit:


    JESawyer: I'm developing most of the language conventions. I start with a base language's grammar and vocabulary and tweak it, then (try) to keep records of those rules. Aedyran is English with a base of Old English. Vailian is based on Italian (except it's cased). Glanfathan is based on Irish but I've introduced different grammatical case rules. Generally, I try to avoid using real words directly, altering them slightly in the process of adapting them for the game. My goal is for the feeling to be present, but not the words directly.
  9. As I said, it depends on how fast and famous the artist is. Also where he lives, someone in a cheaper country can afford to charge less (like I do. Although, to be perfectly honest, the rates in fantasy art are pretty low even for where I live). The wallpaper could be a week of work, by a couple of hundred I meant 500+, sorry. ;)


    The portraits...again, varies by how detailed and large they are. The portraits in IWD/BG could possibly be done in a day or two, if the artist is fast enough. If they were intended for print, they'd probably have to spend more time on details and so on.

  10. I'd like to repeat once again, please understand that concept art is not made for your viewing pleasure (at least not primarily). It's not required for a concept artist to be a martial artist as well, to draw a perfectly accurate pose. It's important to get the idea of an appearance of the character to the 3D artists who'll be doing the modeling. That's all.


    The same character looks quite badass in the wallpaper, does he not?


    (I don't think the concept artist is bad at his/her job either, the concepts are well done. Actually, has it been released if it's a woman drawing these? Just my impression.)

    • Like 2
  11. An example of a very skilled "portrait artist" would be Dave Rapoza (he's been doing a lot of fanart portraits lately, TMNT and stuff)

    Wow, Dave is really talented. Dark and beautiful portrait art.


    How could somebody want Justin Sweet to do the portraits after they see stuff like this:



    WOW! The only problem is that Dave is certainly very expensive....


    I wouldn't say he'd charge more than Sweet.


    While I like his stuff a lot, he seems to gravitate towards very over the top macho stuff, I'd still prefer Sweet for RPG portraits.

    (then again, I might be surprised, Dave has proven to be quite versatile with his approach in the past)

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