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Everything posted by ~Di

  1. @agris: Morrowind is single-player Everquest. Seriously. I had great fun with a world of my own, and no foul-mouthed 10 year-old griefers to contend with! If you haven't tried Morrowind, you should.
  2. I like leveling. I like phat lewt. I don't care much about ninjas. Thank you.
  3. I love games like PS:T and KotOR, with depth of story, depth of characters, just plain depth. Alas, they have considerably less replay value for me personally than games like BG2, IWD1, and JA2 where playing the game for its own sake (and creating different types of characters using differing methods for success) is the thrill. Methinks we need both kinds of games.
  4. Me? *picture Icon of Innocence here* Why, never! The idea that a grown woman could achieve something in life besides being a bored housewife and somebody's mama is rather quaint, though; so I thought I'd offer another side of the story. Pssst... I was just kidding about being able to beat everyone at every game. I hear Rayt the Uber-Mage is unstoppable in Dungeon Siege.
  5. Hmm. I'm a woman. I'm over 40. Barely. :D I like all kinds of games, and have since Space Quest I hit the market, and I played it on an old amber monitor. My favorite game of all time is a turn-based tactical squad game, JA2. My next fave is BG2. I've played a ton of games, RTS, FPS, MMORPH, Adventure, and every combo therein. I've had three careers and five kids. I've earned my gaming habit, and I could probably beat the snot out of half the "kids" on this board MP'ing any game you name. Lucky for y'all I don't have DSL, so I can't embarrass you. *cough* (Lucky for me too, since I can't be proven a liar!)
  6. Aww... well, I hope she's happy. Tell her Di said hi, will you please? I've always thought highly of her.
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