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Heather Lehane

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Posts posted by Heather Lehane

  1. Yeah this was one thing that bugged me about the game was the limited camera movement even on the 360. You had only two modes, the tactical down view and then the angled down tactical down view. Both weren't all that great.


    Also one thing that bugged me is when there were conversations, you never got to see your main character speak. Always had the camera angled behind their heads and when there was the off chance that the game somehow allowed you to see their face when talking, their lips didn't move at all.


    Still good game overall I just wish there was more thought put in for the camera angle and seeing your character speak. I think they should take a page from Bioware and their games like Mass Effect and DA2. Allowing you to see your characters face during conversations and seeing them speak if they are going to do a voice over for them.

  2. Took me a few tries but it is possible. The best way to do it is to focus all your attacks on Jeyne herself. The best way to track her is by her unique spear. She doesn't go into a flame form like her handmaidens do so it is easy to track her. 3 out of 4 times your companion should attack Jeyne as well. Just wail away at Jeyne and try to avoid the handmaidens. It is possible but difficult because Jeyne has a boat load of HP in that fight.

  3. I just got the game yesterday and started playing it today and I'm facing the same problem. Beat up the first boss outside the chapter house. Beat up the boss Boris doing the same thing. I am on a 360 by the way and the achievement is NOT unlocking. This is ridiculous. The game is awesome but achievements not unlocking is extremely annoying. Had this same problem with Bioware's Dragon Age 2 game. Seriously I ask game developers to please test the viability of their achievements and that they unlock prior to shipping the games out for consumers to buy.



    Boris does not count as a "boss".


    According to the game guide it says he is a boss character. So what monsters are bosses then? Because I've faced off against different high level monsters with huge life bars above their heads.


    Thanks in advance.

  4. I just got the game yesterday and started playing it today and I'm facing the problem of not being able to get this Achievement to unlock. I beat up the first boss outside the chapter house while still in starting equipment. I did NOT equip anything I picked up from the burning mansion nor did I equip anything I found on the road to the chapter house. I have since beaten Boris still in the starting equipment and still no joy. I am on a 360 by the way and the achievement is NOT unlocking. This is ridiculous. The game is awesome but achievements not unlocking is extremely annoying. Had this same problem with Bioware's Dragon Age 2 game.


    Please update this soon.


    I also ask politely that game devs please test the game thoroughly for bugs like this. It's annoying when Achievements don't unlock and it ticks me off that I spent a good 60 dollars on this game to it be bugged like this.

  5. I just got the game yesterday and started playing it today and I'm facing the same problem. Beat up the first boss outside the chapter house. Beat up the boss Boris doing the same thing. I am on a 360 by the way and the achievement is NOT unlocking. This is ridiculous. The game is awesome but achievements not unlocking is extremely annoying. Had this same problem with Bioware's Dragon Age 2 game. Seriously I ask game developers to please test the viability of their achievements and that they unlock prior to shipping the games out for consumers to buy.

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