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Everything posted by Gix

  1. No they didn't. They specifically said that the single-player characters will be separate from the multi-player characters. I quote: You know what that tells me? It tells me that I have a single-player and a multi-player character. Now, I don't specifically mind the lack of multiplayer characters. I won't go raging at Obsidian for that but guess what? That's not a system to match DS3 players together. We're already limited to having one unique character per game (out of 4, mind you) and now we have to resort to having your own personal friends to have a copy of the game to play it with them and ONLY them... assuming they're aren't bickering about who gets to play who... which happened on my end. Whenever you like it or not, it's a terrible system. Especially for PC gamers.
  2. 3 things: - Fix the camera. I suggest having an independent camera for each player, at least on the PC version. Don't make the zoom a toggle with a scroll wheel; it's pointless and thus dumb design. Put it on "Page Up / Page Down" like PC games do... or, you know, actually have multiple camera zooms if you're going to use the scroll wheel. - Remove the retarded targeting system that NEVER targets the enemy you want. Have spells/abilities cast where the cursor is pointing. For the PC version at least. - Have persistent Multiplayer characters. Save the order of where points have been spent on talents/abilities, etc. Upon entering a MP game, scale the level of the character based on the host. If the host is further into the game than the player who has joined, have the player level up to catch up and revert him back once he leaves the game. Equipment can be scaled by simply giving a % penalty or bonus to stats based on the level differences of the joining player and the host. Voila, your game is now worth playing online!
  3. I find it funny that there's no documentation on how to start/host a multiplayer game. The manual only tells you how to join a game. It wouldn't be as bad if it wasn't for the fact that we were told that we would have completely distinct single-player and multi-player characters... and even THAT isn't explained until you finally manage to play co-op... ... and then your ideas of playing multiplayer characters (a la Diablo) is shattered and you go: "Ohhhhhhh! Well !@#$%"
  4. The game runs pretty well on my machine. In fact, if I didn't know any better, I wouldn't have recognized this game as an Obsidian Entertainment product which is a good thing. But there IS a bug I found really quickly, though. Sometimes (as in, it happens often enough but it's never consistent), I get into this Loading Limbo... meaning I have a loading screen that NEVER ends... it's not even loading anything but here I am... in a loading screen. When I'm actually playing, it hasn't happened. I narrowed it down to 2 (so far) instances where it happens. The first one is when the game starts. The cinematic plays and right before the main menu appears, I would go in Loading Limbo... with the menu music. The second instance is a controlled problem, I can force myself into a Loading Limbo if I press ESC during the single-player character selection screen. It's not so bad until you start pressing ESC to skip the intro cinematic. Press too many times and you're stuck in Limbo. I know I'm in limbo because I let it load overnight once and it never finished... something that normally takes half a second. The only way to get out of it is to kill the process in the Task Manager. Reload the game and hope it doesn't happen again. Am I the only one that gets this?
  5. It's really stupid, but this is how it works: When you're in a game, in your multiplayer menu, you'll see a green dot next to each player in the game. That little green dot is actually a pop-up menu in disguise. Click on that and mute your friend. Voila! Steam settings have nothing to do with this. I have a USB headset and DS3 decides that my internal laptop mic is the one it should use... despite the Windows and Steam settings stating otherwise. Enjoy
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