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About dalamii

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  1. I had totally gave up on multi player until there is a change... on use own character and stop the share screen.
  2. MP single screens.
  3. I really like the game for first 3 days solo play and can not stop until last night finished the single mode. I had recommend 2 more friends to buy them together today then play online together. A very big disappointment once i start the multi player mode. The co-op part is the worst i had experience, the character you play to gear up and level up only can play again in the same saved. ....... So what it mean is, the character is only can play up to the final boss beaten and you will not able to play this char again somewhere else. if you are not host. You are joining someone unknown character, unknown gear, unknown skill point. It can be all blank which happen to me when i choose a level 20 game and found one the character never been play at all in the saved. After a bad experience, i have host a new game with 2 friend together. Another disappointment found after a friend had died on a boss fight. 2 of us can not run out because of the corpse still screen show on the top right corner of the screen. The co op are sharing the screen....... , i don't think it is a good idea when you have up to 3-4 players play and sharing on 1 same screen...... So these 2 are the majors point make the game lost all the fun on it co op mode. So far i do not want to touch the multi player part now and only do some single game play and i am done of this game until some update come.
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