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Posts posted by AddziX

  1. I don't know how this game will perform in sales or metacritic or whatever.


    What I can say as a gamer, and an employee in the gaming industry, is that Dungeon Siege 3 is significantly better than the garbage titles we've been seeing in 2011. And from what i've played is one of the best action/rpgs on the console.


    I certainly hope the game sells well. Obsidian deserves it, and it may give more incentive to patch in the few minor fixes the community wants. I'll be spreading the good news about this game for sure, I love it.


    Metacritic sucks anyways. I don't think most of the european magazines even post their scores there. At least couldn't see any German or Finnish scores there for DS3.

    I am in total agreement. Dungeon Siege 3 is a great title, it looks great (the dungeons are fantastic), it plays like a dream (with a controller). While it might be shorter than some other RPGs, it certainly keeps your attention all the way to the end. I never got bored with DS3, not once.


    So, I'm looking forward to what's coming our way now that the sales have done well! :)

  2. Heck in the first few days of launch i've heard more from Obsidian than every single other developer combined that i've spent a significant amount of time on their boards.


    If we have patience and continue to post our constructive well thought out requests, Obsidian will respond.

    I guess you're right. The game is awesome, though. Guess I'm just being impatient! :)

  3. Singleplayer DLC. More sophisticated online mode for a possible Dungeon Siege IV.

    With this one. I think reworking the multiplayer would be better suited to a sequel where there is more development time and testing. To rework the multiplayer/camera issues would probably mean recoding the rest of the game to fit around it, and that's probably not likely. DLC, though. There are a lot of features that people would like to see, and these have their own threads so I won't post them again.

  4. Hi, I was wondering if someone from Obsidian would be willing to let us know how DS3's future is looking, now it's been released in NA. Can we expect any DLC's or patches to fix the camera issues etc?


    I'm not trying to be pushy, but I am quite curious as to what the dev team are making of the comments and issues raised in the forum.



  5. i find it almost impossible, even with luring, to revive the AI and find that the AI often wont revive me due to getting stun locked or constantly hit whilst in the revive animation.

    Agreed. The companion AI can be very stupid as far as protecting themselves and staying out of damaging auras goes. This makes some of the later Glitterdelve missions ridiculously hard. Aside from this issue, the AI manages to cope well enough. Just need to look after themselves more. :sorcerer:

  6. Hrm. Sorry I can't help more - obviously I'm not a dev so I don't know any more than the commonsense solutions. Hopefully it gets shored up in the first proper patch, afaik the current update is just one of those 'silent' minor patch-ups.


    It's not a huge deal in the sense that it stops you from finishing the game or you miss out on cool equipment, but it does give you a sliver of XP then lead to another short diplomatic quest. Depending on your character, I think you also need to finish the Krug quest to recruit one of the companions. However, this should have no impact on persuading the Meisters if you complete all other quests.

    Any change of a bug sticky for the devs to easily pick up and read? This needs patching as it is stopping me from getting an achievement, and from what you say is stopping me getting another character? :sorcerer:

  7. And on top of the above, the online co-op choices the devs made make this even worse.

    I can start at any level that groups are currently at?

    Randomly generating our co-op character's abilities and gear?

    C'mon guys.


    That is about the saddest way to go about online play.

    People play these games to grow and refine their characters from the start.


    If you want to refine your char from the start shouldn't you start the mp game yourself.


    How do you do that? I haven't played around with MP yet, just a quick glance at the main menu, so maybe it's obvious. But from what I saw, the options were only to join someone else's game. I couldn't see how to start one for myself.


    Also, how do you get friends to join your game, and not allow anyone not on your friends list to join?


    XBox360 version here.

    Press start and select multiplayer. Then select private game. This will only allow invited players to join your game. This is the only way to limit the amount of players in your game. Two players is a lot easier to get used to than four players.

  8. In my single plaeyr experience, my 'henchmen' seem to get good drops, though not as many drops as the main character - hell, I'm always overloaded with Reinhardt loot in particular even before you meet him. Gold is also pretty abundant, so you can get pretty good loot for the buddy character that way.


    Very true. Just an interesting design choice for me. Dungeon Siege 3 in no way feels hurried or unfinished, so this to me just seems like an actual design choice.


    I'd much rather them be able to bring their gear or at least once they have an avatar in my world, have the loot drops enable them to get geared to a decent level fairly quickly.


    But as it stands the host character continues to get loads of blue and green drops, and the off character gets crap. Even after my friend left my world, the game resumed dropping lots of stuff for Anjali not the Katarina that was still following me.


    Just a bit weird, I hope they can patch it to smooth it out a bit. Just these couple things are holding DS3 from being a near flawless game to me and fully enjoying the coop experience. I could even forgo all camera changes if you would just adjust the mp loot issues.


    I'm not trying to turn this into Diablo, but I don't want my friends following me around as half-effective tagalongs.

    I've found that loot drops favour the host, and the secondary player doesn't get much at all.

  9. the game tells you what it does as soon as you master your first ability. it gives you access to a more powerful version. you trigger it by holding the "super" (RT on the pad) button and pressing the ability's key. it uses Power instead of Focus.


    for example Heartseeker launches 5 homing projectiles instead of 1

    Yep, so it's important to get empowered versions of your abilities early on. Especially the healing ones, that way you can heal your companion as well.

  10. While I am not related to an Obsidian developer I feel it is my duty as a member of this forum offer some form of apologies that the game did not meet up to your expectations of what the title would imply. Sadly, much like what was implied with the Fallout 3 image, there has to be some form of evolution (Or devolution, as some may argue) in the game title especially if it fell onto "hard times" and wasn't renewed. Call it a sacrifice games make in order to fit in the gaming world we know today; or something Obsidian as a whole wanted to do so that you could have four incredibly unique characters instead of four Barbie/Ken Dolls that you could prissy up and specialize how you wish.


    Thank you for understanding me, and in fact making my point. I agree that as time goes on and sequels and re-makes get made that there is a natural evolution that occurs, and should occur to keep up with new technology and breath new life into old ideas or games. Now if DS3 had come out and had maybe the core system at the heart of the game and then they had just built upon what was already there like they did with DS2 then I would be all for it. DS3 didnt even have a point and click option, let alone anything that came out of the original games. These are things that shouldnt be sacrificed.

    Even if it needed a revamped control system to move on with the times? DS1 and DS2 practically played theselves. There's some real strategy and challenge in DS3.


    On the flipside, I can see why some PC fans are annoyed by what is obviously a made-for-console game.

  11. Man does this game come with a manual for all these small chr. details, lol. I should check the game directory, maybe there's a text file in there.


    I had no idea. Don't recall a screen msg. for it popping up either. I'll check that out. Altho I have a feeling in this particular game I wouldn't find it very useful/desirable most of the time.

    I had this when I started playing too. Check the aptly titled 'help' section in the game. On console it's on the pause menu. Everything is covered there.

  12. I hope it sells well enough that we can get a proper expansion pack. That's the only way I think we can hope to see 1-2 new characters with their own abilities. Otherwise, as Ziets hints, it'll probably be a few new areas with new sidequests that open up either in the swamp or in Stonebridge.

    Fingers crossed for the next couple of weeks. :thumbsup:

  13. 2) Inventory for merchants. Could it be possible to actually say what each armour piece and weapon is for which character? Took me ages to work out each character has it's own row.


    The PS3 version has an image of the specific character in the background of each piece; I would assume it is the same for you poor 360 owners? :thumbsup:

    The PC version only has those show up when you have the chr. with you as your companion ... or when you first meet them at least, maybe, not sure. They were all blank at the start for me.

    Yep, they only appear when the character joins the quest.

  14. It may have the name Dungeon Siege in the title, but that does not make it a Dungeon Siege game. I can't believe you put out this **** and try to pass it off as a Dungeon Siege game. There is nothing in this game that is specific to Dungeon Siege. Sure it has all the elements that EVERY other action RPG has like looting, the third person isometric view, etc... But that does not make the game. Dungeon Siege did things that no other action RPG did. The levelling system for one was completely original, what ever you used (i.e. melee, combat magic, nature magic, ranged) was what you levelled up in. There was no earning points and putting them where ever you wanted, it was a simple, effective RPG levelling system that made sense and worked very well! You could also have pack animals, DS2 even added pets that could fight by your side, and also added special abilities that allowed for a devistating attack every now and again. I understand that it has been a few years since the last DS game, but to take everything out of the game that made it Dungeon Siege is going to far. Chris Taylor should be ashamed of himself for allowing this to happen, and obsidian should get sued for destroying a good franchize! I hate this game, it sucks, and I want my money back!

    Not a fan of Dungeon Siege 3, then?


    I quite like it, and I think that in few ways, it's better than the previous games. It's a different spin on it, sure. But it feels more modern and more challenging.

  15. I'm playing 360 version so if I mention any wishes I have and they are already availabel on PS3 or PC version, you know why I'am asking about it :shifty:


    1) Zoomed in camera option - I want it to be more like Fable's viewpoint. There's not really much point in using the zoomed in view because you can hardly see much.


    2) Inventory for merchants. Could it be possible to actually say what each armour piece and weapon is for which character? Took me ages to work out each character has it's own row.


    3) To have more than one AI party member working with you. I've just got to the stage where I can choose between two party members. Why can't I choose them both? Dragon Age : Origins managed this extremely well.


    4) More unique loot items. I keep seeing the same loot over and over again and only when you defeat a boss do you see unique named loot. This needs to be more like Sacred 2 for loot.


    5) New game + where you can carry across all your loot and abilities onto an even harder difficulty. Even an extra hard difficulty will suffice.

    Some of the loot is named the same, but has different stats. There's not a massive difference in them, but they do vary.

  16. you talk to automaton

    ask to speak to krug saying you have permission from meister.

    automatically krug appears in cutscene

    talk to krug

    end conversion with krug

    tell automaton that youve made decision



    Okay, so I've tried making all decisions, bear in mind that I haven't even seen the Krug. No cutscene triggers when I ask to speak to him. Everything I do loops back to the start. Decisions do not advance the quest.


    my memory may be wrong. after the automaton tells you in a sarcastic way that youve got permission. try to leave the dialogue and RB/'E' on the locked doors. try them all cause i cant remember which cell it was - i think its the closest to the automaton but theres one either side of him if i recall.


    if that doesnt work, then youll have to reload a previous save because its a progression bug.

    That sucks. I have no other saves. :shifty: Oh well, reason to play through again to get the perfectionist achievement. :p

  17. you talk to automaton

    ask to speak to krug saying you have permission from meister.

    automatically krug appears in cutscene

    talk to krug

    end conversion with krug

    tell automaton that youve made decision



    Okay, so I've tried making all decisions, bear in mind that I haven't even seen the Krug. No cutscene triggers when I ask to speak to him. Everything I do loops back to the start. Decisions do not advance the quest.

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