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  1. We are discussing reviews from professional journalists about the game and whether to them believe it or not. A *cough* version is already out and people who have played it say its generally negative. People dismissing pirates for being pirates are kind of missing the point, pirates are also Dungeon Siege fan boys as much as you or else why would they download it? Unless the *cough* version itself is unfinished. So who do we believe? The fact that we are even discussing such topics two weeks before the game release is already spelling trouble for the game. Really, if I think the game is any good I think we should already see forum posts praising the game but this isn't the case. As for the people who played demo and like it, you have to keep in mind that the game isn't bad, it really is just unsatisfying. The game leaves you begging for more but you get nothing. Perhaps due to the campaign being short, perhaps the ending is boring, perhaps due to the lack of any form of persistent characters. I guess you can say the full game is really just a longer demo. So for the people who liked the demo and don't expect anything else then you'll like the game, however if you liked the demo and hope that the full game would be better and last longer then you'll be disappointed. If you want a comparison, Final Fantasy 13 is criticized for a being boring and running in a straight for 15 hours, but after that you get rewarded with end game goodness and freedom. DS3 is really just 10 hours of that first 15 hours in FF13 with no reward at the end what so ever, although DS3 might be little less linear to begin with it is still nothing to brag about. The game is only 10-11 hours and the only people that will play all the characters are achievement whores. Kind of hard to find motivation to play the game more then once knowing that it's good bye to your character once the game ends.
  2. Things the demo doesn't tell you: No end game content at all (no not even that or that, don't ask), can't transfer characters to or from co-op, game is only 10-11 hours on Normal all side quests done and areas explored, loot is near pointless because the game is easy and at the end you *spoiler* OMGWHYTHEHELLDIDYOUDOTHISOBSIDIAN. And this is why a demo isn't a good way to judge a purchase nowadays.
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