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Everything posted by sacoroth

  1. I'm a long fan of Obsidian and several of the games which came from it's staff when they were part of different companies. I like the sorts of RPGs created by this company and how in many ways this company sticks to rich and engrossing dialog based games and I intend to continue supporting them in the future by buying their products. One thing I've been wondering and after searching the forums for references to it, have found one reference to it from years ago, is whether Obsidian has ever considered creating a game based on on the GURPs system. I'm a fan of D&D, however, its heavily flawed in many ways and lacks some of the appeal that GURPs has, though I'm sure many D&D fans disagree. I'm not sure if many people are actually familiar with GURPs, for those who aren't here's a link to their wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GURPS and their main site http://www.sjgames.com/GURPS . This system seems like it would be a great step for cRPG's, and can be used for just about any time setting a developer wishes to create their game in. However, seeing as it was never done, I imagine their masses of rules and some of the less stringent rules likely make it hard to transfer in to a computer game. I simply wished to see what Obsidian and its community thinks of GURPs and whether it would transfer well in to a cRPG or whether its far fetched and not worth the hassle to even consider it.
  2. Visas and Candarous
  3. The only thing that I feel needed improvement was the ending and the graphics, but like the majority of people, I knew that the graphics weren't going to have any huge improvements.
  4. I perosnally hope that they do. Although K2 didn't end in a glorious way as I intended, I have faith in them because of their team and the games the people in Obsidian have made in the past. Other then the ending the game was awesome and since they should be better off financially by then I think they'd do a great job, and probably would tie up the loose ends of K2, as I'm pretty sure Feargus said they would if they made K3.
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