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Posts posted by Leferd

  1. Nobody suspects the Adria Teksuni inquisition! Back on subject people or face her wrath!  If you wanna learn about a great Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas is your man. He was the master of Exar Kun and even though he failed Kun he understood all along Kun's tragic fate. He was a pretty cool mofo even though I hate Jedi. Master Vodo-Siosk Baas died by Kun's own hand but later on even though he was in the after life returned the favor. (Didn't wanna ruin it by giving away how he did it.)


    P.S. Seriously Zack Morris you're not a dumbass I only kid.




    Baas was a fool. He was one of the worst Jedi Masters. Nah the kewlest was that beast Jedi that trained Nomi Sunrider... I wish I could remember his name. I think it was Thon.


    Not a complete fool. But what a track record! Of his last three trainees: one became a Dark Lord of the Sith, another became a Sith lackey, and the last was bordering on the edge of the dark side.


    Thon was rather unique and perceptive as a character.

  2. I actually prefer that my character's general background is developed by the designers. That gives them more options in writing the game story. Games in which the PC is not defined (like IWD) tends to bore me.


    The background doesn't have to be in detail, but leave enough background in which the npc's can react to it.

  3. The story of Exar Kun has been dunn'd to death. There are books. There are comic books. And his presence has been felt in other video games too.


    If you're interested, read the Tales of the Jedi comic book series. Avoid the Kevin J. Anderson novels.

  4. So they have miltary uniforforms and wish to rule the galaxy (or the world, in the case of the nazis). I doubt GL went around studing the Nazis copying thier uniforms and their tactics. He was just inventing an evil empire and because their are slight similarities to the nazis, you are saying they must be based on them!


    They only person who could answer this question is GL himself.


    Someone needs to watch a little PBS. A little program called Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth.

  5. It's not so much that prestige classes bother me, but that we will be roughly doubling the rate of level advancement in roughly the same amount of game hours as the first KotOR.


    I don't think we'll need to worry so much about balance. Prestige classes will make our characters powerful enough as it is, but going level 30-40 will ummm....more than offset any ummm...balance issues.


    Basically, we'll be too powerful.

  6. whats wrong with posting... nothing... whats wrong with posting excessivly... nothing


    Click here.

    See: Spam


    Actually, you're not that bad. Your enthusiasm is admirable, but message board junkies will respect your posts more if you put a little more effort into thought.


    AND I still say food is a bad idea. Teeeeeeedious.

  7. Seriously. Have you thought this through? Eating to constantly offset your hero's super-metabolism is not fun. It is tedious. There is no good reason why it should be included. Eating and bathroom breaks are best left to the imagination. Just assume that they do all those mundane biological functions when we're not looking. Everytime the phone rings and you pause the game, just assume that that is their cue to go to the head.

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