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Everything posted by foxlance

  1. IMHO, Having more than 1 stance is very much appreciated. Besides, the legendary Diablo has the same stance across all characters depending on 1hand/2hand weapons.
  2. I still like what I'm seeing from the previews so far. But please please make the party limit to 4 at minimum! Cant have the other characters just sitting at the inn while the others are on an epic journey to redeem the Legions right? What happens when you want to play as the other party members, by that time they probably are of far inferior level to cope up!
  3. Sorry, avatar on MP does sound confusing, I was rushing my post earlier. What I meant was, having the same CG on MP, the actual 3d image of your character. Initially I thought the MP is the usual MP where people login using their own character, which DS3 will not support, so I was thinking everyone will login using the same main character, or using the same Mage we saw on the demo. Turns out MP simply means having another player control one of your party's AI.. Which is confusing cause they have great MP on DS1! I guess no swooping for the town is OK.. but please if were going to revisit the familiar castles, I guess I'd appreciate a cinematic presentation. Of course, a personal preference.
  4. In that case, sorry for the confusion. The gameplay video I was basing my comments from came from here Regarding the camera swoop on the town, yeah I pretty much think its more of personal taste. What I actually what from the game is to see them making efforts on improving the game, in how they package and present the game. As for the multi player, I'm not sure what to expect. I feel like playing multi player when I created my own character. Must feel weird walking with the same avatar on a multi player! Glad to see the forum is still active!
  5. The only "movie" in my post was where i was referring to 'in-game cutscenes'.
  6. I just watched the presentation on Youtube earlier and i wanted to give my thoughts from that 15 min demo. They were showcasing their engine for the game, as the player stood on a cliff overlooking the town. That's it. That's failure right there. It would be a lot better if say there is a designated point in the cliff where on a push of a button, a sweeping view of the town ahead using the in-game models will play. Kinda like the eagle vision in Assassin's Creed, only not the same 360 view of course. Additionally, if the town is part of the old DS, a narrated voice over should read a few lines for the new guys to be familiar about the lore of the game. And the part where there was a statue of the farmer hero, also there should be a sort of mini in-game movie with a voice over that narrates a bit of its history. They should do it for every hero that has appeared in the game, much like the ending credits in DS2 narrates what happened with the heroes afterward. This could be part of a main quest that will ask the player to search the whole of Aranna and find all the places where a tribute has been made for these heroes, unlocking a formidable armor pack or weapon for the player. Gameplay is OK for the moment. I still feel that when hacking the enemies we should get that slight feeling of resistance/feedback, but not that much since well be swarmed by creeps most of the time. Just don't let us feel like where hitting air all the time. DO NOT bring the combat speed to Dragon Age slowness. Also, aside from the usual boring short sword and shield and Great swords and bows, give us new weapon types. A staff user perhaps (not wizard staff) or a spear, or a monk type with a 'Gauntlet of Zeus' type of weapon used by Kratos from God of War on the psp. Also give us the ability to dodge/roll, that way players will be busier forming tactics and not just confined to jump in the swarm and hack. If you feel like adding counter attack moves thats fine, but i cant see doing it on creeps. Probably on boss fights to make them a bit more enjoyable. I know we haven't seen counter attack moves on party base rpg, but thats where you come you can be inventive. Since we are only allowed to control 1 character at a time, only he/she can do the counter move. Smarter AI for the creeps where some will re group then attack a single hero and really try to take that hero down. Give us rings and necklaces we can forge so we'll be busy gathering runes and enchantments for them. and don't limit us wit 2 rings per character. The more buffs we can give our heroes the better we feel about out team. Crafting is another feature I'd like, for sure that will give my game additional 3-5 hours (or even more). Also, please make the minimum party not 4, but at least 6 if possible, that way you will not be wasting the other heroes just having a good time on the inn while only 4 heroes takes on the bad guys. Let them have mini conversations while walking on no-creep area, its a place where they can showcase their individual character. Also give us a lot of room to explore, aka open world type of maps. The demo showed a crypt, which is fine to have a specific path, but outside tombs and caves, we must be able to explore. That's the type of guys who play rpg are like, we like to explore, we like to craft, we like to discover. On the games menu, give us a mass effect 2 type of lore section where we can read about places and people about the game. Will pets return to the game? I like the idea of pets but i didn't know they will take a slot on my party! Cant the primary hero get 1 pet for the party instead? dont make it too powerful, more of a buff/passive type, and have a cool time base powerful attack like a 360 freeze burst to help your party survive a swarm of creeps, etc. Thats all for now. Ill drop in more comments when i see another demo, but i really hope that, at least, player thoughts are being read and considered. Hope to hear from the community and from Enix/Obsidian!
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