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faloow PL

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About faloow PL

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. Someone is in this place and can I join to help and earned achievement?
  2. I'm after visit to queen Roslin. I've done the deed "royalist ally" and no achievements earned :| Tell me why? I've done all from this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxRmoZ5dJBw
  3. I'm crying... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Cgtgp2o7s0..._embedded#at=48 Bring it back to life. This footage shows that game was very good.
  5. today i've played 30min and this achievements aren't earned: I Could Do This Blindfolded You defeated a major opponent using only your default equipment. Lescanzi Ally You ceded control of Gunderic Manor to Leona.
  6. No achievements earned on steam. Someone must do this works. Can't see global achievements. Any stats...
  7. and what's happened with map? in previous games we had a map of world and overlook of situation. can U add this small feature to game? loking forward for the patch thanks
  8. Again beat em' up the demo. In game there is for example 10 random shield, but they only different in the stats? If there isn't fundamental differences between stuff this is game not for me :/
  9. so there's no any chance for it ?
  10. I love this poster on the wall. This raven. Alvin do U have one? Please send me it. Me and my girlfriend will be happy watching it in our room and playing DS3. Link to interview and poster... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzzJKnwqsxk...player_embedded
  11. Nice. Tell me please, it will be any patch after release DS3? With controller changing, movin' on LMB, paperdoll in inventory or clicking on chests and doors? This is very important to me.
  12. no to grubo zapraszam do steama. będziemy grać razem. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198020495456 so we can play together: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198020495456
  13. This seems to CONVINCE me at all. Pre-order cancel NO Waiting for the game.
  14. I'm very embarrassed with game impressions so help me. To buy or not to buy xD I like the demo style, but some things are bad. I can't decide.
  15. My impressions: -graphic style is awesome. game on my old pc looks great and smooth on high. -really like animation, effects etc. -this is not "old ds", but game is quite good -i need keymapping -tutorial box must be smaller or need option to disable it -in dialogue, this box must be smaller. the text of choice must be on top, choices must be on bottom, because in that way this look strange. dialogue must be repeatable. if i miss some text i need to see it once more. this option is important to me -wtf with full map? i wanna see the map when my character is in any stage of game. give us full map of world and map of situation. -i need to opening and taking things to my inventory on clicking on it. not by pressing E key. this is not a console game. im playing with mouse! i really like game. wanna buy it, but only when some devs give me a word of game improvements after release
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