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Everything posted by Krakenkid86

  1. Just watched the latest news for 1.3 and the only joy I felt was for the dandelion tuft. No new bugs, no new biome, no new story just this "playground mode" I could care less about. I payed for a survival game btw... hell I'd pay another 30$ for more survival game content in grounded. After almost 900hrs I think I'm going to finally beat the game and be done with it.
  2. I could see there being an update or dlc that takes place beyond the fence maybe the alley way. Where there is a knocked over fridge that you could eventually climb into, and there would be cold/freezing zones in which you would have to have new recipes for warm gear/tools to help explore the new area and gather resources...etc
  3. Would love to see a centipede mini-boss in the upper yard or shed or some new area that would be a higher tier drop/loot. Like a tier 4 armor set or weapon...etc
  4. Definitely!! Could see the set bonus attributing too glider speed and durability too!
  5. Absolutely love this game, will have 1000 hrs by next month (cross fingers), and had a few ideas. A quiver dedicated to ammo would be perfect! Maybe a dedicated glider slot that doesn't require switching out a trinket all the time. Last but not least, a future recipe for a forge/furnace and metal pieces as a material. You could take rust pieces plus refined charcoal and another material or two from a later new bug or two to make steel/metal pieces to make or upgrade tools/weapons/armor thats tier 4 or 5...etc Ty for you time
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