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Michael Rex

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Everything posted by Michael Rex

  1. I would enjoy Grounded more if I could make my own trinkets and add effects onto any desired weapons and armor. How could this be done? I suggest adding a new item to bosses loot table in NG+ 5 or higher. This new item will be an upgraded version of the crinkle. The crinkle plus can combine to other crinkle plus and also to armor and weapons. Armor limited to 1 and weapons limited to 2. But you can combine 3 crinkle plus for a trinket. How to combine these? Unlock a work station that maybe requires infected broodmother loot to make. When using the “Fusion Station” you’ll spend jelly to combine items and/or raw science.
  2. In my experience on Whoa pets are almost useless because they die so easily to everything. I have to hope and dream I can make it back to base with my pet. To fix this my idea is to keep the risk of having your pet die for unlimited buff. But if you don’t want to take the risk then add a mechanic that applies the pets buff to us for 10-15 minutes when we pet our little friend. This way we can use their buff and not worry about them dying on us. thank you.
  3. My experience playing Whoa difficulty Grounded is getting increasingly unfair and annoying. Its a roll of the dice if I win and it seems I have to drop close quarters combat and only use range to be able to do anything. For the mantis fight the unavoidable attacks are super unfair with infusions. I will parry some of the attacks but infusions still activate killing me. The jump attack simply will just straight up kill if not behind cover. Could you please lower damage or give armor upgrades cause on whoa the molars are not enough. Also please make it so only one infusion will activate per attack so not all activates at once causing instant death. Please get rid of the collision on the sour fusion because it gets stuck under bodies and deals rapid damage resulting in instant death. I also have a problem with the mant man in the undershed lab. I'll parry the attacks but the fire ants it calls in takes damage from the mant causing fusions to activate killing me in an instant. In short -Lower damage, give armor upgrades, or allow us to infuse crinkles onto chosen armor -Get rid of collision on sour infusion -Make the mant not damage fire ants it calls in -Make infusion not activate by mantis when parried and please let us block the mantis's scream. Let us block those status effects like you did for the hedge broodmother. Really love this game but its really unfair in NG+. Please don't leave it like this.
  4. I’ve always loved the customization of builds with the use of armor, weapons, mutations, and trinkets. But the new RNG trinkets are ruining that fun for me. The last piece of my build relies on a 0.027522935779817% RNG chance to get the science cone I want or to even play with some of the cool new effects. Please add a station that can be called the “Infusing Station” that will allow dismantling of cones and waffles into crinkles. We can then use the station to combine the crinkles into a cone at the cost of fusion crystals. Maybe even allow us to replace an infused weapon’s effect with our desired crinkle at the cost of fusion crystals. Make this station rewarded in NG+ 5 or higher so it’s rewarding for us to customize our trinkets giving us a reason to get that high. I’ve reverted my save back to a regular yard because of this trinket RNG. I want to run around and have fun not sit at the super duper or killing bugs for hours hoping I’ll get the trinket I want in the next 10 years. Please add this. Love you guys, love your game, keep up the hard work!
  5. A mosquito trinket to give range weapons 10% life steal would be really cool!
  6. Weevil nose trinket can only be obtained by stealing. It has the ability to highlight creatures with a white outline that can be seen through objects within 25cm. If the creature holds a gold card then it will be seen as a gold outline.
  7. I like the weakness and resistance changes but their new abilities make them too vulnerable. Although I like their new abilities I just want it tweaked a bit so they aren’t so vulnerable to damage. When they’re shooting web/widowlings or attacking a widowling it’s just free damage. Reducing they’re knockout time would make them less vulnerable too. Maybe give them an AOE web attack that damages the widowling near you instead of completely getting distracted to run up to a widowling. Too many free damge windows.
  8. Simply the sandbox key is nonexistent in my shared world. I dug it up months ago but it disappeared when it popped out of the ground. platform: Xbox shared world, all xbox users of 4 Gamer tag: PhazonRex
  9. An upgraded SCA.B that works with the surveyor. Helps you track down the items you are surveying in the same way it would milk molars, raw science, or SCA.Bs
  10. In my own opinion I feel that little fist is to easy to get for how powerful it is. A nice way I think to adjust this would be to replace little fist with gauntlets or brass knuckles. They could be a tier 3 or 4 weapon made out of rust, lint, and pupa leather or something like that. Also could make it apply to both hands for the highest attack speed but also not wielding a shield so parring with this weapon would be vital.
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