I’ve always loved the customization of builds with the use of armor, weapons, mutations, and trinkets. But the new RNG trinkets are ruining that fun for me. The last piece of my build relies on a 0.027522935779817% RNG chance to get the science cone I want or to even play with some of the cool new effects. Please add a station that can be called the “Infusing Station” that will allow dismantling of cones and waffles into crinkles. We can then use the station to combine the crinkles into a cone at the cost of fusion crystals. Maybe even allow us to replace an infused weapon’s effect with our desired crinkle at the cost of fusion crystals. Make this station rewarded in NG+ 5 or higher so it’s rewarding for us to customize our trinkets giving us a reason to get that high. I’ve reverted my save back to a regular yard because of this trinket RNG. I want to run around and have fun not sit at the super duper or killing bugs for hours hoping I’ll get the trinket I want in the next 10 years. Please add this. Love you guys, love your game, keep up the hard work!