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Everything posted by Campber7741

  1. I was definitely not aware of that but am very glad I am now. Thanks. That's a shame with WotEP. It seems like a really cool weapon but I've been quite disappointed by its performance on other characters in my previous playthrough I tried it on. Those other weapon combos (especially Mohora Tanga in the offhand) seem like they'd be interesting to mess around with. I might import the same PoE1 save again but make them a Pure Monk instead (like they were in PoE1) to see myself how those weapon combos work together. That makes more sense that what I was thinking about. I thought you may have been referring to some cheese strat that made their fights trivial. E.g. using True Lover's Kiss and then Arkemyr's Brilliant Departure as a Wizard on Dorudugan, then waiting 3 hours for him to die from the Raw damage alone. Assuming I don't get bogged-down with work again, I'm going to resume the current playthrough and mess around with the ideas from here. Thanks for the replies everyone. I really appreciate you all taking the time to give me your advice.
  2. That one for Vatnir actually seems interesting, especially with Slayer's Claw since it's an Axe and can benefit from the modal ability. The only problem I'm thinking of with this build is that I was going to give Slayer's Claw to Rekke as a paired weapon with Scoredo's Edge (was going to make a Rekke build similar to the one at the link below), but I could just as easily replace that with Tarn's Respite using its stacking -1 deflection on hit enchantment or with Min's Fortune for the stacking crit chance effect. With Ydwin, my mind immediately went to Red Hand purely because of how strong it is. I wasn't planning on doing any Megabosses, but what's this Ancestor's Memory exploit your talking about? That Konstanten + Fassina combo seems really strong in having two members of the party nuking enemies' Fortitude. Any recommendations on what Morning Star I should use with Konstanten? The only two-handed melee weapon I've ever really used with anyone has been Whispers of the Endless Paths. That second idea for Mirke actually sounds pretty cool, especially with Mohorā Tanga's Harpooning enchantment to get the damage on it even higher. Out of curiosity, would using the Whispers of the Wind ability with Whispers on the Endless Paths cause multiple targets to be hit due to WotEP's unique property to hit multiple enemies at once? With Vatnir, wouldn't his Spiritual Weapons be kind of bad in comparison to normal weapons? From what I remember, Priest's Spirit Weapons become stronger the more they align with their god, but as Vatnir is not a player character wouldn't their strength be at the absolute minimum?
  3. I've begun a new playthrough of Deadfire with my The Ultimate save from PoE1 imported. While I want to stick with my character being a loner, I am going to be recruiting the Sidekicks to assist with ship battles and may bring them along for the DLCs. | I've currently acquired Rekke and have made them a Fighter/Monk hybrid with an emphasis on dual-wielding weapons (starting with dual Tarn's Respite due to the bug that still exists with Mad Morena's quest) and my own character is a Dwarf Sage (Nalpazca Monk + Blood Wizard) for Citzal's Spirit Lance shenanigans, but I haven't ever used any of the other sidekicks before and am not sure how I would go about building them once recruited. Do people have any recommendations on how I should build the other sidekicks? I'm about to blow-up Benweth and will be acquiring Mirke soon so I'd say they are my immediate priority, but Fassina, Konstentan and Ydwin aren't too far behind either.
  4. I know I'm a bit late to this discussion by a few years, but just out of curiosity how did you build Fassina and Ydwin for this fight?
  5. Hi all. Late to the party, but just wanted to share my thoughts on using the 2nd build. Pretty much have built it the same as outlined, but have a Cloak of Greater Deflection instead due to using other characters. I've found Reckless Brigandine to be okay-ish and Whispers of the Endless Paths to be fantastic, but I was wondering what enchantments would be best to put onto the Blackened Plate Armor and Sanguine Greatsword as they seem like interesting alternative to use.
  6. Hi. I know I’m very late to this discussion, but I was just wanting to know what the final spread of Skills would be at Level 20? For example, you mentioned that you need high Religion to get the Shrine buff, but that you also need 12 Diplomacy to tell the bandits to go away so you can pray without needing to rest. On top of that, you also mentioned that you had 20 History at the end of the game for the Giftbearer’s Cloth defence bonuses. Combined with Athletics and Mechanics, I don’t see how there’s enough points to go around. I’m only asking as this is going to be my second Deadfire playthrough but my first time doing it on PotD.
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