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About Panaroid

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  1. Yes, it's extremely disappointing. I suppose we can't really expect a fix before the holidays now too.
  2. From what I could tell it doesn't, although my Teredo service does drop in and out. Again, this is the point where a comment from support after over a month would be helpful to everyone still experiencing this show-stopping issue.
  3. This didn't work for us, but thanks for posting a possible solution.
  4. The disconnect bug seemed to be fixed in the previous patch, but now it's back with a vengeance, kicking my client every 10 minutes.
  5. The fact that we're going into our third week with the game unplayable this close to launch is actually unacceptable.
  6. This is still happening at the same rate, every 15 mins, in the most recent patch. This is a real showstopper.
  7. Textures are extremely blurry no matter what settings we try on my partners computer, to the point where nothing can be read and things like the shirts of the characters just look like a blob. We've tried forcing the settings in a variety of ways, but the texture resolution just won't go up. The video card is only a GTX970, but we should be able to turn other settings down so the game still runs well enough, while also being able to see the games textures.
  8. We've had this same issue on the PC Gamepass version.
  9. We've had this same issue on the PC Gamepass version today; someone DCing while downed.
  10. We're having the same issues on PC Gamepass version here, since yesterday too.
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