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Everything posted by Canderous1305

  1. Cutting it all the way down doesn't stop it from regrowing afaik. The only thing that does that is if you build on top of it or in the proximity.
  2. I can't find the option anywhere in the dialogue. He's following me around. I'm at the stage where I have to defend against O.R.C insects.
  3. An option to get Tully to stay put instead of following you all over the yard would be nice. I have a lot of stuff I want to do before I complete the game, and he gets in the way a lot of the time. EDIT: Nevermind. I found out you can tell him to stay at a spot by mousing over him and pressing 'F'.
  4. Yep. This is one of those times where realism must take the backseat for gameplay.
  5. rotate floors and walls is what I meant.
  6. I feel the game's building mechanics are somewhat wanting, especially considering the huge part it plays for many people. Having the option to rotate buildings 45 degree would benefit the game greatly in my opinion.
  7. While they're at it, allow rotating of floors and walls 45 degrees instead of just 90. This is such a basic feature, it's almost embarassing that it isn't in the game.
  8. To elaborate, prior to the patch I had 0 Milk molars, but after it displayed -1. I couldn’t find anything in the patch notes about an increase in cost that would prompt this change, so I’m guessing it’s a bug?
  9. Is the stump just there to irritate the player? The tediousness of having to chop it and trying to find all the scattered pieces, some of which get under other stuff, is gonna get old fast.
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