I also lost my level 8 roly poly armor and leveled up mint mace while fighting the black widow when I died I respawned with no equipped armor I assumed it broke in the fight when I went back to retrieve my backpack I only had my inventory but none of my equipped armor or weapons were there or on my person when I respawned in my bed as willow I tried killing myself with the give up option and switch characters that kind of help in a sense because I was willow and went to max and I responded with my friends lost charm when he died at another time as max and when I chose to respawn as him I somehow had it in my inventory but when I tried the same method hoping my lost armor and weapon I had equipped as willow would return it didnt and then it autosaved so I'm kinda screwed unless they add an option to retrieve glitched items upon death because at this point rolling back saves isn't an option even if the shared worlds had more than one save, obsidian please help and fix this