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Posts posted by pmp10

  1. But you can buy used console games and that's exactly what publishers hate so much. You can't do that to a Steamworks game for example.

    Publishers also hate rentals and free online but as long as there is sufficient competition in the market they dare not do anything about it. That PC is being burdened with more restrictive DRMs is simply a result of platform oriented games disappearing.


    As for steam - making it mandatory has only become more widespread recently.

    Besides it may have more to do with requiring a dlc delivery platform than any form of ownership control. Since it is supposed to be the future of PC gaming it will make a poor selling point from a customer pov.

  2. That wouldn't be very RPG-y now would it?


    Does any loot-based arpg actually have a player controlled blocking/dodging mechanic?

    The idea of kiting is even less so.

    Besides isn't the whole instant & uninterruptible health potion gulping idea a diablo 1 leftover from 1999?

    As for defense mechanics there were attempts to use a different solution - all console oriented tho.

    I just seriously doubt that any game requiring the out-heal-it tactics will become seriously accepted among console audiences.

  3. The story isn't anything special. The story wasn't anything special in SC1 either. The story isn't anything special in 99% of all video-games. I'm not sure where people got so hung up on the Starcraft story.

    People were never really hung up on starcraft story but on the way it was told. Script filled dynamically changing maps directly involving storyline heroes were a novelty at the time.

    High quality cutscenes didn

  4. I repeat -- why the hell take another stab at The Conduit and not Alpha Protocol?


    There's no market on the Wii for such a game. The first was a failure. Sega's other attempts at "hardcore" games on the Wii, i.e. MadWorld and House of the Dead: Overkill, were failures.


    Sega is backing a horse that no longer has legs to move. Hell, it never had legs to begin with.


    At least Alpha Protocol has the potential, but Sega is still getting behind a platform and releasing games on it that have no potential whatsoever. Even with solid reviews, they'll still bomb at retail.


    The Dreamcast's demise was Sega's exit from the hardware business -- it won't be long until they exit the software business, either.

    I seriously doubt development cost are comparable between a wii shooter build on a in-house developed framework and a console arpg made by licensing ut3 engine.

  5. I was too much of an Age of Empires style man, didn't really like SC or WC much. Additionally, I still don't know how people rave on about SC's storyline - it was generic crap, just delivered slickly, just like Diablo's. Storyline is certainly not why I'd play of any of Blizz games.


  6. As time goes by I'm thinking Mafia is not my thing - I like Hitman-style sneaking, hiding bodies and infiltration, but I don't like GTA-style games and I doubt I'll have much fun driving cars or shootin gpeople in the face. And it's sounding like thel atter will be the core gameplay? I don't know if that was the case with the first one?


  7. I played enough of the game, and read enough spoilers to know playingt he game further won't make the story any deeper than it is, the characters any more interetsing, or the C&C any more impressive than it is.


    "I read first thirty pages of LOTR and decided the whole book series suck. I also watched the trailers and read some fansite for spoilers, damn those characters and story are baaaaaaad."


    Faulty logic is faulty.


    There's huge difference when it comes to representation/interactivity within games, books and/or movies if you compare that to small or long spoilers found on some forums/fansites.


    In case you still don't understand I'll try to explain. It is somewhat different to read a bunch of spoilers from a website than to actually playthrough the damn story and interact with the characters within the game. Other is written by someone living at his parent's basement, done in haste and most likely has grammar errors, missing info etc. The other is written by someone who actually gets paid to do that and is presented with good voice acting that actually will bring those characters and story "alive" instead of just reading some wall of text etc. etc.

    And how many times have you finished the game if you don't mind me asking?

  8. However original a sequel is, it still has all the baggage of the previous games in the series and certain expectations from the previous fans.

    A sequel released after over 5 years with new developer and aiming at new platforms may have more development freedom than even a spin-off title.

  9. I've never really understood the appeal of wandering aimlessly around a gameworld after the primary narrative arc has concluded.


    Do your wandering as part of and in response to the primary narrative arc, which is, after all, the reason for the entire game.


    I can only assume its part of the LARP culture. Or something.

    Some people expect separation between storytelling and gameplay.

    The result is that all plot related developments to their character are poor received (power armor training anyone?).

  10. (sorry for my poor english)


    VGChartz reports that Alpha Protocol sales (only on Ps3 and XBOX 360) are around 200,000 copies (12 June 2010).

    Are too few to hope for a sequel or a DLC?

    VGChartz predictions are little more than guesswork. The only sales-releated information released was the number of initial preorders which could have easily changed given the critical reception. As for DLC - tracking active number of players on xfire and steam seems to show that AP popularity is abysmal so I wouln't count on it.

  11. Disable, yes.


    However it would also wipe data incase of computers and stuff, UNLESS you spend a skillpoint somewhere. It should be fine for doors and stuff.

    Why wouldn't it for you? :luck:


    EDIT: Also, seriously? You didn't read up all skills? Come on, this is an RPG... what the hell dude?

    NOT without a point in sabotage.....you can detonate a million EMPs right in front of a door critical to mission advancement all day and it will NOT open if you have 0 points in Sabotage.

    You mean the door in Taipei subway?

    I seem to remember that I couldn't get it to open by tossing grenades even when I had plenty of points in sabotage.

    It may be a bug but if so it's a game breaking one.

  12. The concern I have with ammo management is that I feel a game's mechanics should reinforce its narrative and setting. In a game like Fallout, scrounging for bullets is completely setting appropriate as it reinforces the theme of scarcity in a post-apocalyptic world. But, when you think of epic fantasy, arrow management just feels out of place a lot of the time. Additionally, more than almost any other collection mechanic, it can act as a brick wall to the pacing of the game as players run out of ammo and immediately have to stop playing and run back to town.

    I suppose that

  13. While I agree with you, that would make the game harder for

    Sorry but calling someone "fanboy" because disagrees is equal that someone call "whiner" for the same reasons, when there are not really arguments that support such an affirmation.


    Of course it is, but it's funny that no one jumps to the haters/whiners defense, while the fanboy accusation get raised eyebrows. Perhaps because the so called 'fanboys' taste are more aligned with others in this thread?

    Given what kind of forum it is do you really expected otherwise?

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