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Posts posted by C2B

  1. Obsidian, doesn't like doing romances , they aren't good at it and in their previous games it was forced in by publishers.


    Thats really the only thing that counts for me. Writing romances isn't easy, in fact imo one of the hardest things you can attempt.




    And theres no lack of interactions or role playing options in a game without romances. NO game could contain a field as vast.


    (The trade-off of any crpg really. You will never be able to accomadate for every possible option. Entirly depends on what you focus on in the end)

  2. I mean that even though Switzerland is, to me, the only team that deserves the second place in the group, France is so much more superior. It's a very unbalanced group.



    This wasn't exactly a game that was too representative of individual stregth. Not that its exactly a great thing that we fall apart so fast after something serious happened. (Though, for some reason that has been quite a constant in our history from the very beginning. We're pretty unstable).


    Its certainly debatable that we would have lost either way on account of the high france is riding.


    If anything this group and especially this entire WM has proven how unpredicatable (And thus IMO fun) soccer can be. I can't really remember a WM where there were this many upsets.

  3. It says a lot about this group that the Swiss can still go through.



    Not sure how this makes any sense. Do you mean that this group has honduras as a *easy* challenge?


    As for the game. We lost after 7 minutes. That injury threw off the players / any strategy. Mericless assassination and easy pickings afterwards.


    How the world cup for us continues depends solely on if the swiss players can get over what happened today. They are certainly not living up to their potential / what they have shown during qualification so far, though.

  4. Notes by Anthony


    This is a pretty accurate write up. A few notes.


    The backstory for the PvE scenarios is sort of a near future world where resources are fought over by hired Private Military Corporations.


    When we demoed the game, we explained how there are roles for the vehicles. We explained three roles for this demo, Tank, Artillery, and Recon.



    Challenger 2

    Leopard 2a5



    M109a6 Paladin



    M1128 MGS - 'Stryker'

    Wiesel 1


    Crew sizes depend on the vehicle. The Wiesel has two, the Paladin has six.


    Like he stated, we haven't demoed vehicle upgrading or customization yet.



    Except both of these companies have done press demos too.


    True but both showed gameplay stuff at (almost) the same time to the backers/people and not weeks later...



    Snarky, I know. Anyway, believe what you want. The complaint is valid. The constant agressivness and commentary is not. (I mean I think they got it without you repeating the same thing on twitter and the forums)

  6. Some preview stuff


    See, unlike World of Tanks and War Thunder’s heavy emphasis on endless repetition of PvP grind and tank upgrades, Armored Warfare is coming at the genre from more of what you would expect of a console title. There’s going to be a backstory about modern struggles for limited resources and terrorism. And players will be able to queue up to take on this progressive storyline in 3+ tank missions complete with voice acted objectives and secondary objectives. Completion of these missions is just as valid of a progression method as PvP, and can net the player experience points for upgrading their crewmembers as well as unlocking or upgrading tanks in their garage. A nice little addition is the challenge missions that let you truly show your mastery of a PvE mission by letting you do something epic on the battlefield. Thankfully these challenges aren’t randomly assigned and actually based on the type of tank you’re driving, so you won’t have to worry about ramming through the enemy’s front barricade with artillery.

    In terms of tank types, they offer a simplified but rather effective three category system. You’ll either be riding in a full-fledged tank, a supportive artillery, or a fast and stealthy recon.

    And while the developers were extremely pensive about mentioning anything about the crews, the early stages of the UI made it clear that they will gain experience over time and that there likely will be four members of your crew.

    Though the economy system was hardly in place, there was a clear distinction between gold, silver, and reputation on the rewards screen after matches. When asked, the representative shared that gold would be the cash shop currency, silver the in-game currency for purchasing tank upgrades, and reputation a currency for advancing one’s tech tree to acquire new and more powerful tiers of tanks. I have to applaud the stat keeping after the matches as well since you are clearly shown how much each member of your team contributed. Points are appropriated and bonus currency offered based on how active you were in taking objectives, how many kills you scored, as well as assists, damage dealt, number of tanks spotted, and points accrued from base captures.

    Even though the demo didn't let me customize my tank, the option to visually change so much-- from camo to personal satellite defense systems-- made me feel like my tank could be mine, as long as I made it play as its class role. That may sound restricting, but as someone new to the genre, I wanted something I could understand, and as a modern MMO player, I understand classes. It certainly made it easier for me to figure out what to do during the battle, as did the objectives list that I got specifically for my role. An artillery satellite view made things feel almost like an RTS, but in a good way. Other players spotted for me, and I blasted from afar.


    If Obsidian gets really good initial sales figures they'll have something to show off to publishers which may give them some leverage when it comes to getting pitches through.

    ^Is this still a valid talking point?PoE already has publisher backing. The Paradox booth at E3 is the one that's got the PoE stuff, remember?


    Apart from the paradox deal not being in any way a classical publisher agreement (in fact it excludes what makes publisher agreements bad)(as repeated 5 Million times) that's not what he meant.


    For future publisher backed Obsidian projects it is beneficial to back yourself up with (own) success. And like any mid-sized development studio Obsidian needs those as well to survive.

    • Like 3
  8. [quote name="LordCrash" post="1456742" timestamp="1402473298".


    The 79 updates so far were only "talking" without ANY real gameplay so far. That's what games are all about. You can write lore all day and explain how you plan to do stuff and everything. But nothing is as honest and clear as gameplay.





    Are you currently saying that E3 demos of all things are *honest and clear*? Or shown gameplay footage in general.




    • Like 1

    No player is standing around waiting its turn. They are always doing something on the field according to their task. The average distance covered in soccer depending on position is the highest of any sport.


    That's actually not true at all.Australian Football eclipses soccer.


    I personally don't like the game anymore (it used to be a good sport up until the 2000s) but midfielders in AFL run around a minimum of 12km/game up to around 20km/game.


    Average was about 13km in 2005 (for all players, they use gps trackers in the jumpers) but it's gone up since then due to the change in playstyles.


    There's the problem




    Seriously though, didn't know that. Thanks for the info.

  10. No player is standing around waiting its turn. They are always doing something on the field according to their task. The average distance covered in soccer depending on position is the highest of any sport.


    Of course your right that its a boring sport to watch because its inconsequential for the viewer. The action lies on the ball.

  11. Also, he may have just left the 2nd Kickstarter out. Remember, they haven't even presented it yet and since its existence is bound to Kickstarter success.


    Its also why I'm more inclined to believe that Avellone is working on th AAA project. Roles weren't set before the PE kickstarter started and Chris did after all write the pitches that presumably led to the AAA project.

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