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Everything posted by tr1pod

  1. This game is good. I enjoyed it to the end, but come on, anyone saying it's better than Mass Effect 2 is clearly mental.
  2. It's not that it's hard at the start, because it isn't. It's just that the tutorial doesn't really explain the skill points too well, so you have to get used to missing even though you're hitting, if you know what I mean. Once you accept that, it actually works very well. It's also the little things that annoy you at the start, like the not hiding bodies, and the bad A.I (not so little). Once the story kicks in and your character moves on a bit you start to ignore the little annoyances and enjoy the things it does right. I still think the lead voice over actor is awful. If they make a sequel, it should be amazing. If they sort out the little problems and up the graphics beyond 2003.
  3. I hated this game at the start, but now I love it. It's such a wierd game. I have never known a game to have such a rubbish start and put you off. The tutorial for me, was utter crap, but now 6 hours or so in and I think it's brilliant.
  4. If they ever make a sequel it has so much potential. Get the A.I right. Change it so you have to hide the bodies (this really bugs me), and up the graphics. Add a save mode, and viola - great game ahoy.
  5. OK..... Played some more. Finished Saudi and you know what? I am actually starting to enjoy it. The beginning is so average it's gonna hurt this a lot, but it does improve. The story starts to kick in. It's just hard to get past the shooting 12 bullets to hit once scenario. Once you adapt to that, it's actually good fun.
  6. I played it again this morning and it did improve. However it is still way too flawed to be a good game. I don't pay top price for a game to be OK if you have nothing else to play. The A.I is horrendous. They run on the spot because they're facing a wall. You don't hide the bodies of the enemies you kill they simply disappear over time. I mean come on, Thief had this ability about 10 years ago. I love RPGs, but these elements have to work with the game style. You cannot be 2 foot away from an enemy and shoot him in the face 6 times and he is still coming at you. It just looks really silly, and more importantly, it becmes frustrating. Is this a shooter or RPG? For the 2 elements to work they have to be well done like Mass Effect 2. Use auto aim or something, as you increase skills the AA gets better, Anything has to be beter than this. The hacking as mentioned in every comment is ****e. I feel like somone has pulled my eyeballs out and urinated in the sockets. I also find it really hard to know where I am supposed to be going. Pressing select, going into intel seems to take way too long to access. Couldn't we have a mini map? But, to be fair it did get a bit more enjoyable. The opening tutorial will put most people off because it's real bad.
  7. Again, he is spot on. An RPG to me is a game in which you take the role of a character and advance them in skills. It also means the protagonist is someone you care about enough to do so. This guy is so wooden he floats on water. Not helped by the fact that the guy doing his voice is horrendous. I could say the lines in a more convincing way. Christ, Stephen Hawkings could deliver them better.
  8. It'd be a more legitimate criticism if he could find something to complain about other than graphics and a minigame. Not sure why. He's not a reviewer, he just somebody posting on the games messageboard. He clearly doesn't like the game and after paying
  9. All you're missing is a game that would have looked and felt average 6 years ago.
  10. The checkpoint saving is really annoying me. I am old school. I love to be able to save when I choose. The checkpoints in this game are actually quite far apart.
  11. OK played the first mission. I really want to like this game, but I just feel that I am liking it because I want to and I desperately need a game to play. However, it just isn't that great. The graphics are seriously dated and the animation is horrendous. It's a typical jack of all trades master of none scenario. The stealth is average, the combat is average (at best) and the RPG elements are very average. Why can't we get old school RPGs any more? Pause combat, tactics, unpause. This game would have benefited from having that in my opinion. At least it would have given it something special. As it is, it's just really annoying to shoot some guy 5 times in the face and he is still standing. I know it's maths, but hey, maths don't make a fun game. Guess, I will just have to play ME2 for the 99th time.
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