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About dazza61

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    Songwriting, Video Games
  1. Hi Please can we have: 1) When a player dies, can we please NOT have the inventory sorted after respawn. It is SOOOOOO annoying. The game stores the inventory sorting after a log out so why can't it just recall this after death? 2) Another MAJOR annoyance is the moving of items within the backpack when different items are selected. No, just NO. Salt Star, well it was on the top row, along with my other weapons. Nope its on third row now.......STOP now!!! I've never played a game where the inventory annoys me so much. Outside of these annoyances the rest of the game is absolutely first class!
  2. + Mask of the Mother Demon (upgraded via Sleek/Poison Nova) ......though I think if you hit a friend with a poison dagger then damage taken should remain (Medium and Woah only) -
  3. Seen the changes from 0.12 to the present with 2000+ hrs logged.. Thought my heart had been ripped out when they removed respawnable quartzite but then they added the alternative recipes which actually is quite nice. Now I can't make my mind up whether respawnable rocks are better than killing crap loads of bugs. Both are equally as grindy; there are bottlenecks though.... Big HOWEVER though....SPOILERS AHEAD!!!! WEAPONS Lv 1-5::: Larva Spikes - crap tons especially if you kill Ladybird Larvae as they can drop up to FOUR spikes. No bottleneck at all and unlimited Level 5 weapons for all four players, even in multiplayer. Lv 6-7::: Spider Fangs. Kinda small bottleneck but helped by iWolfs that can drop up to FOUR fangs. End game you can kill Wolfs easy and in the main its at least a 100% drop rate across both spiders...Single player fine but bottleneck worse for multiplayer. Lv 8-9::: Ox Horns. Bottleneck insanity: Drop rates for horns are currently @ 20% (in my world, I got 18 or so horns for 92 kills. Do the maths and it equates to ONE candy weapon needing 75 Ox kills from Lv 7 -9 OR 150 Ox kills to take a mighty weapon from Lv 7-9 (recipe is TWICE as expensive). Total madness...In my gf and I's world of 500 days - we have a Lv 9 Spicy Axe each and Lv 8's of Fresh Widow Dagger/Fresh Rusty Spear/Salt Morningstar - everything else is Lv 5 or below. The grind to level mighty bows and staves+shovels is just not possible. And thats not including Demon Club and Scythe. So many mighty weapons in the game. You'd need to log 100's, if not 1000's of hours... ARMOUR Because the recipes need less plating and are cheaper overall its much less of a grind. Lv 1-5::: Grub Hide: Although there are plenty of grubs, they are spaced out over the map so this for me is the hardest bottleneck if you want all armours to Lv 9. But its doable even though grindy Lv 6-7::: Ladybug parts: The fact that these parts drop from Ladybugs and Ladybirds is great. And also drop rates can be up as much as 400%. This is fine and no bottleneck at all even in multiplayer. Lv 8-9::: Ladybird shells. No real bottleneck as the drop rates are 150-300% plus they are all over the Upper East. The recipe is cheap too. Nice and balanced... Do you guys reckon its an oversight regarding weapons? As it stands currently armours are far easier to upgrade. I wonder why they made it easy for armours but hard for weapons. Why not just make it hard for both or easier for both?? As you all have mentioned though, the upgrading system definitely needs an overhaul. I along with a few others have suggested dismantling of weapons so we could at least get the resources back for weapons we made in error (e.g. in early game we are still learning and are not sure what to make). This would allow fantastic RPG and although still limiting we could experiment with different exchangeable loadouts.... Thanks for reading if you got this far. I am really passionate about this game!!
  4. Yeah after thorough testing on Woah and Medium the drop rate is around 20% (1 Horn for every 5 kills). My stats were 18 Horns for 92 kills. Getting weapons to level 7 is not so bad because you can farm Wolf Spiders and iWolf Spiders and you are guaranteed at least a 100% drop rate (1:1). Where it gets ugly is the Mighty Jewel recipe to get Mighty Weapons to Level 9. You need 10 Supreme Whetstones for Level 8 and TWENTY Supreme Whetstones for Level 9. So for my girlfriend and I, to take our Salt Morning Stars from Lv 7 to Lv 9 will require 300 (YES THREE HUNDRED) Ox Beetle kills. Total madness for such a fantastic game! And a 4-person MP sharing resources, well lets just forget it!! Not sure if its an oversight or Obsidian being antagonistic. Because Armours are far cheaper and Ladybirds have great drop rates, I feel its an oversight. Unless they read this and nerf Armours, then it would be the latter lol
  5. Hi Not sure if this is intended or not... So lets say GT = Gamertag....... and we have GT1 and GT2 in a Multiplayer shared world (1 save only) NOTE: GT2 ALWAYS exports a save daily because theres no backup saves in Multiplayer So heres the scenario: 1) GT1 hucks a high level Widow dagger half way up Oak Tree. Cant find it on platform or lower down surrounding Oak Tree. No way to search item in Item Searcher in Survey Stations... 2) GT1 then IMPORTS the previous days save (made by GT2 so as to get back the Widow dagger) but when loading the save - all the items in their inventory belong to GT2 Is this normal?? Also what would happen when GT2 then enters the world - would each player have identical copies of items so you could in fact duplicate unique items e.g. Ominent Cards? Thanks in advance
  6. Armour is far easier to upgrade than weapons. You can farm the required items to level every armour in game to Lv 9 solo and possibly even multiplayer (with enough grind). However in solo and especially multiplayer there arent enough resources to level many weapons to Lv 9. The grind is literally insane. Its a weird design decision of Obsidian to allow us to max armour but artificially add a stupid grind to weapons. I truly feel that there are some sadistic people at Obsidian because Ive noticed in some of their games they have a cut off approach to game mechanics which stifles gameplay (looking at you Outer Worlds/New Vegas, etc.....and now even moreso Grounded)
  7. The only time I had this issue was during a server maintenance thing and I reverted backwards 12 days (as a guest NOT the host) BUT strangely, I saw 10 saves in my girlfriends shared world which is normally impossible in a multiplayer world, so I used one of the last saves to make a STANDARD copy then reshared this copied world and my progress was restored. It was only myself that reverted as a guest and not my girlfriend as host. I assume that you guys only have ONE copy (being multiplayer) but it might be worth BOTH the host and guest making a standard copy of the shared world and comparing the time/days passed in each copied world. Then you could try resharing one of these copies if you find that one of the copies offers a fix. Its a far fetched idea until a hard coded fix arrives...best of luck though!!
  8. I had a world glitch where all progress/mutations/charms were lost on my character in a shared world. I ALWAYS make a standard RT (Xbox)/R2 (PS) world copy TWICE a day without fail now so if one of the copies becomes corrupted I have another to go on.... I hope you managed to sort it!
  9. I was at odds with the mechanic at first but anything is better than the dumb AI that creatures used to have pre 1.0 release. If we can jump, then they should be able to jump too (and many insects do in RL)... The real issue is that bows handle very poorly in game forcing the player to get good at melee which is my preference (but not everyone's which I totally get and understand). I am sure if bows were improved you would actually get to like the extra challenge of the jumping mechanic feeling like a real Robin Hood lol. I know I would use bows more if they didn't suck so much as I currently only use them to draw Infected Wolfs away from hordes of Infected Larva and to knock berries out of trees. But I really get your frustration over using bows to take them on; it truly is maddening!! On Woah they kill me more than Black Widows because of their explosions. I do have a technique I use on Woah to deal with them though and am now able to kill them 90-95% of the time with smoothies and around 35-40% of the time without heals...no spoilers but can hide text if needed
  10. If its candy nodes: No mint nodes were respawning as nodes you simply bust (NOT the ones you dig up in the Sandpit) for me.... SPOILER ALERT::: Location examples are: 1) Trash Heap in Mint Container 2) Trash Heap Next to Lunch Box neat Black Ant Entrance 2) Plant Pot in Upper East Yard 2) Nearby to 2 near base of Stump Roots 2) Upper East Yard high up on Wall As SOON as I broke some full nodes of Cha Cha (not the ones you have to dig up) in the Trash Heap then the Mint nodes in the Upper East Yard started spawning again (after 2 weeks of game time)... So my theory is there is a maximum pool of candy on the map (lets say 8 chunks). If you never break any of these chunks then no more chunks of ANY flavour will spawn which means if youre farming chunks of ONE flavour only then you will have to break candies of other flavours to repopulate the pool if that makes sense....probably another way of Obsidian controlling farming methods
  11. Scenario: I play a Multiplayer World with my girlfriend. She shares. We can both host and she remains being the Owner. ====================================================================== 02 Feb 23: 00:30 GMT: Ended MP session: Girlfriend hosting - Days Played 152+ 02 Feb 23: 13:30 GMT I hosted and World loaded was of 140+ days. Girlfriend then hosted - I joined and all my inventory was wiped + my equipped slots were all empty / Mutations were all reset (except Burgl. purhcases)/Unique charms missing and unrecoverable. Tried multiple ways to force a resync but no dice! Observations: Shared World had MULTIPLE saves (normally only ONE). Shared World could be renamed (normally impossible). Friends list could not be accessed for sharing to add or remove new friends to shared world. Potential Fix: ------------------------ From the 10 saves I had on the my girlfriends shared world, under my Girfriends GT I RESHARED the last save we had from last nights session TO A FRESH NEW SHARED WORLD. I then tried to host THIS world and I had all my mutations back I'd earned, all my inventory was full of weapons Id upgraded + resources + unique charms....basically I was back to us ending last nights session!!! Not sure what happened but I hope this helps some people Great game - I have 1500+ hrs in it :-)
  12. Hi guys, Not gonna bore ya with "Add this and that" as the game is pretty much perfect, however, pretty please..... 1) Prevent auto sorting of inventories which happen..... a) ...After death; the players inventory is sorted. Each player has their own preferences and position of their items. Having to move my/their stuff every time I/they die is an annoyance. I dont die much but if this was sorted I would take more risks lol b) ...every time a new weapon is equipped, it moves the currently equipped weapon to a new empty slot. Please can you just leave items to be fixed in place until the player moves it or uses the sort function. 2) Please make Widow Daggers able to cut underwater stems/grass/clover just as the Spider Fang Dagger can. 3) Please have faster Zip lines. The ascender is far too slow and artificially slows the game pacing. Maybe have it slow early game but unlock a much faster way of using Zips late game... 4) Make Ox Horns drop as frequently as Ladybird Shells. The shells drop 150-300% per creature killed which allows for grindy but doable upgrades to all armours (in time). The way Ox Horns work at a 20-25% drop rate (1 Horn per 4/5 killed) is that the 15 Mighty Jewels (=THIRTY Supreme Whetstones (doubly as expensive as Candy)) needed would require 120-150 Ox Beetle kills. Total madness. Even 60-75 kills for a Candy upgrade to Lv 9 is a massive grind.... 5) As regards number 4) above, this could be alleviated somewhat if we could dismantle weapons/gear so that any mistakes in our early game choices could be fixed later on. Let's face it, early game we are still learning creature weaknesses, etc. This would allow more experimentation and depth to the game (and longevity).... 6) Allow us to place and pick up ALL grass/stems (armour dependent) from a pallet instead of one at a time. 7) Make current traps/defences more effective and durable. The 3 enemies at my Bird Table base simply eat my spike traps and render them useless (destroying them usually) so every time I go back to base I have to take care of them (when they spawn) (EIGHT) I have a powerful PC (but use a controller) and in combat, very often, when trying to drink a smoothie in the Hotpouch wheel the command is ignored/not registered. The wheel is often then closed requiring you to open it again. This is death when facing the hardest enemies (on Woah). Bandages on the hotpouch wheel also require you to mash the A button to get you to apply one. This mechanic is worse in combat than when not.... 9) We need a triangular corner piece for gable ends. When building a 5 x 5 area and I put a roof on, I have to leave a gap at the top as there is no piece that fits. This can be fixed by building a 6 x 6 area (or any even sided area) and using 2 triangular pieces but most players like odd numbered sides because thay can have a central door/exit which isnt possible on an even sided area. 10) Please make Natural Explorer resume immediately after combat ends instead of the 4-5 seconds it currently takes... Thanks for the wonderful and refreshing game!!!
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  13. I agree and this could be easily implemented by having a snap to grid function where the player could change the resolution of snapping in options. Would make things like alignment (e.g. as you mentioned chests, beds) far easier...
  14. To be fair we can now share worlds and as long as world is shared then ANYONE can host and join (subject to passwords)....so e.g when my gf isnt around I host and play, she can drop in and then at other times, she hosts and I join. Bit like MC Realms (sorry lol) but free and included in game. I can even back up HER owned world and then copy it and play single player if I wish but then this SP world would be out of sync...but ok to test stuff so as not to mess up the main... But as already mentioned the lag is pretty bad at times for MP; seems ok ish with two but with four, the last time I played 6 months ago it was a horrible experience. So if servers are the only way to fix this then so be it...I don't know enough about networking to suggest other solutions
  15. Hi Just as the topic title reads: The options to correct analogue stick dead zones within the game are brilliant and all games should follow suit. This function works great whilst playing in the game, running around and standing still etc but sadly in menus/typing or whilst static (e.g. peeping) or viewing the map the drift is NOT corrected. Not sure if this can be fixed though. Thanks
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