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Everything posted by Rimos

  1. Hello, Since patch 0.14 I have noticed that when you wear the Glowworm Helmet and carry a weapon (for example the Crossbow) in the hand and run, there is a strange shadow cast or a restlessness in the shadows. It's annoying, irrireded and doesn't look good. Best Regards
  2. Please no Mincraft Realms or Fallout 76 First System - just a Desicated Server. That would be great!
  3. I would like to wish building elements/parts/components that can be used to build machines (The Incredible Machine) that are completely free in terms of function. This makes it possible to build sophisticated traps, defense systems or automate workflows, etc. There are no limits to the creativity of the players. You could integrate these the whole thing into your base, in combination or as a stand-alone object/machine/outpost. What do you think?!
  4. Biomes: New biome: compost heap / leaf heap incl. dungeon, there are a lot of insects and "other things" here New biome: fruits and vegetable bed, here you will find strawberries, tomatoes, maybe also pumpkins that you can enter or expand by yourself New Biome: Beehive as a labyrinth dungeon, final boss bee king. The beehive at the picnic table will be removed. A new, large one is created on the shed New biome: The oak, you can expand, climb up to the crown New Biome: The House Inside (thats a whole DLC). You can move in the partitions. ****roaches and spiders are up to mischief between the electricity and pipes. You can find food in mouse holes - but be careful! Insect raids, e.g. ant raids or whatever, which are only optional so that there is no frustration. This also results in defensive weapons (automated) Pulleys/conveyor belts for goods/materials digging tunnels (through the roots, stones, animal tunnels etc.). Maybe you cross an earthworm, mouse or something else?! Carnivorous plants, you can watch how they hunt an eat other insects or YOU! Weather Effects: - Maybe seasons?! - fog / morning fog (sometimes) - Rain / heavy rain with puddles Items: - Rope with Hook to climp up or down a wall or cave - ride on a beatle on a saddle - flying with a kite - a boat with an "insect-engine" Question: Why couldnĀ“t walk spiders and ants up to walls Some things may have already been said - I didn't read all the forum entries beforehand ...and a dedicated server, please! I would like to host my own server 24/7 (Docker) on my Synology NAS to play with my kids.
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