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About ElSavant

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  1. I once again implore the wise ones of this forum to do their magic.
  2. Just cleared Hasongo, and realized that Pallegina apparently has caught the Relationship Bug. Nothing positive, negative, no conversations in the reputation tab...nothing. Is there a way to fix this, or is this savestate simply screwed? EDIT: If functions. Apparently just a mistake on my part.
  3. @Boeroer Thanks for the answer, but in the meantime, I found this website and it works perfect.
  4. A quick question to our portrait wizards here in the forum: Is there a certain trick to keep the aspect ratio when you downsize a portrait, so it doesn't look stubby?
  5. Many thanks! EDIT: BtW, has someone already done the Watercolor treatment for this handsome dude? Char seems popular enough to be the case, but looking through the forum with all the dead links is a real drag.
  6. Hello, could someone be so kind an do their watercolor magic on this battle-worn elf lady?
  7. This is all very interesting to read, but has there ever been a definitive actual Build for this? Race, Background, Weapons, Gear, all that META stuff.
  8. Maybe it had the advantage of a D&D License. Or maybe the Publisher did a more target-oriented marketing? Or maybe, and that may sound mean, People are already excepting an Obsidian Game to run like Ass at release, plan to wait until things have been smoothed out and you know how it is…out of sight, out of mind.
  9. I read it would run kinda bad, but I presumed there would a workaround for the stuttering. After all, there an also a few guides on how to stabilize New Vegas for example. Apparently, I was wrong. The Multi Class thing I wasn’t aware of. I knew there was multi classing, but not that the choices you made were irreversible. If we talk about things everyone could obviously see before buying (or not buying) the Game, I think the Pirate Theme didn’t do the Game any favors. It just feels kinda off all in all. IIRC, Pillars 1 had the big plus that it was one of the first rather big Games that where a huge success on Kickstarter. That of course created quite some thunder back then, which helped marketing a lot. Pillars 2 didn’t have that kind of exposition. Plus, I think that a lot of people who bought Part One maybe out of the Blue where quite overwhelmed with the Mountain of Lore the Game threw at the player. For me as a fantasy fan that is no problem, just my jam, and if you establish a new Gaming Universe that is simply necessary. But the regular player who maybe expected something more easy going like Dragon Age, that could have been off-putting. Too much to read, not enough action. And these Players would also have no interest in a Sequel with part one maybe rotting on the Pile of Shame.
  10. As someone who just started the Game, I find a few reasons why people wouldn’t like Deadfire as much as Part 1. First and foremost, it tends to run like ass. The sometimes heavy stuttering and constant micro freezes after half an hour of playtime get really annoying. The fact that you have to choose between 3 classes when you get a new party member and can’t change your choice in game. One of the great things about part One was that you could always recspec your crew to your liking, and that feature has gotten a heavy blow with this design decision. The whole ship thing. I don’t want to manage a ship crew, feed them, keep them happy, and then these stupid ship battles…if I wanted something like buccaneer I would have bought. The Game has a lot of improvements from the first one, but also a lot of stuff that seems unnecessary and frankly doesn’t fly with me or rather I endure for the rest of it.
  11. On the topic of Special K, is there a reliable way to stop the framerate issues/micro freezes by now?
  12. Don’t have too much hope finding help since this Game is old, but will try anyway. I just did Zahuas Personal Quest and returned from Whitestone Hollow to Stalwart, and suddenly the Game started having these weird micro freezes every other second. Apparently, it is only this location, but over all other save states too, since I the same started happening with one of my other chars. Any fixes available? I play the GOG Version and did scan for corrupted files, but that didn’t help.
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