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Zachariah Tam

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About Zachariah Tam

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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    Zachariah Tam
  1. Still going strong in Fallout 3. Man, this is a long game. I just got done being almost ganged rape by six heavily armed Talon Company mercs out by an electronics store being ran by a bunch of raiders. I must have really pissed off those mercs some how.
  2. Still playing Fallout 3. Ghoul reavers are way too strong for my character. Way too strong.
  3. I just finished The Pitt DLC and when I got done turning off the lights, big boss man came to and start yelling at me how he should of killed me while a trog leaped from behind. I went to the side and hid, and just watched him get torn apart. It was quite hilarious til the trog saw me. Then I lit up his face with a laser light show. I do hope Fallout NV has scenes like that.
  4. I wish there was a way to take pics with the XBox.
  5. GIVE ME THE NAUGHTY NIGHTWEAR! I wasn't expecting that.
  6. Instead of skills why not perks. Have them be a part of the conversational perks.
  7. These are children and children do not truly understand the correlation of cause and consequence. While I do believe what happen was a real tragedy, but the failure lies with the parents of these offenders. Where were they while this horrendous act was done?
  8. I don't know how much demonizing is necessary in the case of Iran, given the heavy handed nature that the government attacked peaceful protest demonstrations and their support of terrorism.
  9. Naive, or use it as an excuse to eliminate a potential threat.
  10. I am still pretty early in Fallout 3, but so far the writing hasn't been overly bad. It is no worse than what I have read in a typical paperback novel. Is Bioware's writing that much better? I have only done the Noble opening bit with Dragon Age.
  11. Yes, but at the worse case scenario this what Israel's leadership believes the Iranian leadership will do, especially given Ahmadinejad's stance on wiping out Israel. With the Iranian leadership calling out for Israel's destruction, coupled by the threat of nuclear arms and the Islamic extremist stereotype, it stands to reason that Israel would want to strike first, with prejudice.
  12. They would gain martyrdom. From my understanding, there is no greater sacrifice than sacrificing yourself for the jihad by taking out the enemies of Allah. If Iran got nuclear weapons, it would not surprise me for them to use such terrible weapons against Israel regardless the consequences. They would sacrifice their nation if it means to remove a nation that is, in their view, an enemy of God.
  13. That is because there are no jobs available in a 100 mile radius. Detroit is a good place to play Fallout LARP. When the economic crisis struck the automakers and they set up massive layoffs Detroit was the hardest hit. Add in worsening poverty, drugs, and gang violence no one can really live there. It is damn shameful.
  14. Wouldn't that make Obsidian a double agent?
  15. Win what?
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