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About zkylon

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    (4) Theurgist
    (4) Theurgist


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  1. Albatross- 18 Conrad Marburg- 12 Henry Leland- 17 Hong Shi- 5 (-1) That's what you get for not being killable Konstantin Brayko- 18 Mina Tang- 10 Omen Deng- 21 SIE- 21 Scarlet Lake- 23 Sis- 23 Steven Heck- 22 (+1) Don't fall behind, best bud!
  2. Right now, because it's fun It's pointless to get some sense outta the guy and this thread should be locked/"ontopicked" but i wouldn't know what to add to that. In relation to that, i'll proceed to shut up and let the educated continue edit: i also just read your post regarding not answering Volourn so, you know...
  3. How many games are you arguing ME2 sold? 3 million? 2 million? When you said "Bottom line is that ME2 has sold way more than 1.8 mil copies. " i was thinking at least a million more but now i'm not so sure. I'm positive you didn't mean 6.6 now that i've read you say it but seriously, how much? And i don't think Obs' trying to topple Beth or Bio. AP was a shot at reaching them in terms of reachability but they obviously couldn't hold themselves and made it awesome for everyone, not just console shooter gamers.
  4. You're wrong. They don't doubt it. They just laugh at how stubborn you are not to show the actual link (what you gave, www.vgchartz.com, is as useful as telling us to google it, and even then, vgchartz says 1,79million so i guess i was a 100k off?). Crybaby bullies. Now that's a concept. Your link, vgchartz says 2.22 for ME1 and 1.79 for ME2. Unless math's taking a weird turn for the bizarre or that link's inaccurate, you're wrong. I said they put a shooter in it. It's an RPG with a shooter put in it. The RPG and shooter elements barely connect with each other but i suppose that's asking you for too much comprehension at a time. I said ME2 sold well because it's got a shooter in it. I didn't say all Bioware games can't sell well unless they're shooters and i didn't say ME2 is a shooter. Read the full sentences, not just the words. Again, there's just one link saying that there has been sold 6.6m, that many believe a typo while there's plenty that say 1.6-over 2.0. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_Effect_2#Sales http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3177757 http://www.mcvuk.com/news/37369/Mass-Effect-sales-top-2m http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/...2-Million-Units http://www.gamershell.com/news_90274.html http://www.techshout.com/gaming/2010/03/ma...-in-first-week/ http://gamefocus.ca/news/8113 http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/27012/M...llion_Units.php Sure, if it reached 2.5 it'd be a lot more than 1.8, but it's still no 5 million in one week like MW2. But common concensus is NOT 6.6m but something over 2 million units (as in, not 6 million).
  5. Alan Parker- 6 Albatross- 16 Ali Shaheed- 7 Conrad Marburg- 10 Grigori Pazinhov- 3 Henry Leland- 11 Hong Shi- 11 Konstantin Brayko- 14 Mina Tang- 8 Omen Deng- 18 Ronald Sung- 6 SIE- 17 Scarlet Lake- 19 (-1) Scarlet? Better than Heck and equal to Sis? No way i'm allowing this Sis- 20 Steven Heck- 19 (+1) And world balance is restored... Yancy Westridge- 3
  6. I think nobody doubts that he saw the 1.8 number. But his argument of facts are facts is so stubbornly stupid it's hard to let pass. He could've easily dodged it by giving the link but well... I think this thread's up for closing.
  7. I never said you have to be a shooter to sell well. In your defence, there's a typo on my post, it should be read like this: " Critically acclaimed and commercially succesful aren't mutually "inclusive", you know. Shenmue, Grim Fandango, Psychonauts, Okami, Mad World, etc. All got great ratings and didn't sell well. ME2 didn't sell well because it had critical acclaim, it sold well because they put a shooter in it. And because of them putting a shooter in it, they got critical acclaim. The advertising part, though, i can understand. " Sorry for that mistake, though the "All got great ratings and didn't sell well." should've set you to the right path. Obviously Madden, Pokemon, The Sims and Oblivion prove that non-shooters sell well (but who's denying that?). In the end, jumping to conclusions leaves you looking silly. Doesn't this guy's broken record of "fact, fact, fact" remind you guys of... ? Cookie to the one that finds the pertinent youtube video
  8. Critical and acclaimed aren't mutually "inclusive", you know. Shenmue, Grim Fandango, Psychonauts, Okami, Mad World, etc. All got great ratings and didn't sell well. ME2 didn't sell well because it had critical acclaim, it sold well because they put a shooter in it. And because of them putting a shooter in it, they got critical acclaim. The advertising part, though, i can understand. But it seems wasteful to go after unskilled- (and he does make a good point) since we're all having a laugh with Volourn's facts.
  9. Your english is perfect and i agree. While you can't trust EA to release an accurate estimate (we all assume they inflate it because that's how business is) a third party article isn't a valid source unless you link to it. And even then it's arguable. I'm not gonna search a thread to prove you right. That's your job.
  10. Um.. Yeah i am. But i has missed a news!!!1! ZOMG! I has dissapointed Feargus!!! Remind me to never consult anything again.
  11. What's DS3 and LV:N??? I'm busting my head here
  12. Moar freedom worked for Deus Ex and the copy pasting wasn't so bad. Taking more from DX, i hate how new games just disposed of journals and documents and newspapers and things for you to read to get a better idea of the world. DX did that just perfect, and it's an economic "feature" to add that fills up blank spaces and rewards exploration. I get that ADD is like 8 outta 10 kids these days but seriously, a few journals for read never killed anyone (like the already existing emails ). Other than that, i actually like physically going to shops and cruising throught towns.
  13. Alan Parker- 8 Albatross- 14 (+1 a handler with care ) Ali Shaheed- 9 Conrad Marburg- 10 Grigori Pazinhov- 5 Henry Leland- 11 Hong Shi- 10 Konstantin Brayko- 13 Mina Tang- 9 Omen Deng- 17 Ronald Sung- 7 (-1 BOOOOOOOOOORING) SIE- 16 Scarlet Lake- 17 Sergei Surkov- 3 Sis- 18 Steven Heck- 16 Yancy Westridge- 5
  14. Alan Parker- 9 Albatross- 13 Ali Shaheed- 9 Conrad Marburg- 10 Grigori Pazinhov- 6 Henry Leland- 11 Hong Shi- 11 Konstantin Brayko- 13 Mina Tang- 9 Omen Deng- 16 Ronald Sung- 8 SIE- 15 (+1 rape ftw!) Scarlet Lake- 16 Sergei Surkov- 4 (-1 Championshik won't save you now!) Sis- 17 Steven Heck- 15 Yancy Westridge- 6
  15. Oh, i'd be pissed if that happened to me :/
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