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About Shepyrd

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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    Sunshine State
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  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter Badge
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  1. Still the fact of the matter is that we have no idea why it's taking them so long. So maybe reserve judgement until the cards are on the table? It could be the 74,000 kickstarter backers, as a start. For comparison, Kingdom Come: Deliverance had half that.
  2. I don't think they do really. If they did they would have released a version for backers just before launch. We wouldn't all be sitting here wondering why there are no steam keys...they are worried about new buyers not those that paid them. Listen, man. I hope you backed it to get a great RPG experience ala Baldur's Gate. I think you will get that, I hope you do. As to keys....my DL speed 126 mbps. I'm not worried. I feel for those that need a day to DL tho....I have been there.
  3. I did. It posted March 12 on Kickstarter. You may want to re-check your notifications under settings. Looking forward to getting to pre-load this soon.
  4. That is a really cool UI, Grotesque. Nice work.
  5. They have been very clear from the beginning what our support of the game would provide us and them, I think. I don't feel entitled to anything more. In fact, I'm sorry I could not have assisted them more during this time and applaud those that have.
  6. Keep up the good work folks. Looking forward to release day.
  7. So, what do I gather from this? Was the game unpolished and a POS back in October? Did Sega just throw Obsidian under the bus or were unrealistic original demands placed on Obsidian with respects to completing the game they could not meet back in October? Just curious. I am all for a more polished game.
  8. I don't think you understand. but, that's ok. I only became interested in the game after reading previews in magazines I trust such as PC Gamer and XBox as well as, reading previews online at sites like 1Up. While Halo had more advertising, perhaps, I am not interested in purchasing that game. I'm not even sure they are comparable. You can bash Obsidian if you like, I'm not sure what purpose that serves you, but, whatever lifts your spirits. Based on the News Release it appears Obsidian did their part and turned in a finished product, which Sega has decided will be released much later. Now, if they intend to keep working on this Title at Obsidian, well, that would be a different story. Want? Wanting something has very little to do with it. I expected the game for which I pre-ordered. I have since cancelled that pre-order and frankly, after eight months when it is released, I may not care that much about this game because I may have plenty of other gaming options to keep me busy.
  9. Well, I read a number of reviews in Print and online which of course were the reason for my decision to pre-order the game. So, they reached me quite effectively and I am a casual gamer. In addition, atleast through the print medium, I saw just as many advertisements as many other games which have been released. Maybe not on TV, it that's where you expect to get your advertising. The point regarding resource allocation is that a lot can happen between now and the 6-8 months that the game is purportedly scheduled for release. There is little doubt in my mind that considerable money has already been spent on advertising and promotion. To crank that all up again, costs more money. How much more would you expect them to spend when strategies on their whole catalogue of offerings could change in that time-frame? Depending on what other games are released at that time, how successful will they be at getting Print and Online Media to re-run previews when little has changed with the game? How many people will care if all the media time and space is devoted to promote another game being released like WOW: Cataclysm? I hope it works out for them, I really do.
  10. Apparently, nothing. It was removed from "My Games." We could debate the "value" of Space Siege as an influencing element into my decision to purchase the AP pre-order. It's unfortunate. There is the real possibility, that come June 2010 SEGA will dedicate even less resources towards this game for promotion then it has now. Will magazines, such as PC Gamer and XBOX Magazine re-run their previous previews? It is difficult to build up tremendous hype just prior to release, go quite, let the expected delivery date pass, have everyone find out about a delay through game retailers such as GoGamer.com and Gamestop and then announce we will instead...do it all over again in "Spring 2010?" Really?
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