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Johnny Wirick

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About Johnny Wirick

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  1. i think the title is enough.
  2. 1. i think that's just the number of assets available. so you can probably add stuff until your computer can't handle it no more, lol. 2. i think it's probably the same as the first answer. just add bugs until your game lags, lol. 3. i don't think we had a height limit on the main game, so i don't think you'd have one in playgrounds. you should be good to build what you want. some people's systems might handle it better than others, but that's their problem.
  3. we already have bows and staves. you're just making the spear useless.
  4. Would really like to see the debuffs on a bug. You could place them under their health bar, similar to where the player see the debuffs under our scab.e.
  5. Not a huge issue, but a couple friends got the staff mutation when punching bugs lol. Pretty sure the mutation is supposed to need a staff to get.
  6. You say you dont have access to battle him? They reset the whole story when the full game launched, so you can't access shmector untill you get all the gold burgl chips and find tully. If you haven't done that yet since the full release.
  7. It was on the feature board at one point, but now most of the board has been cleared. if you guys are really going to just put the game into maintenance mode, could you at least give us mod tools so that players can start adding their own content?
  8. destroyed? i've been building chests and grabbing all that food up lol. get while the gettings good before the fix it lol.
  9. i think it's a remnant of the old ground, before they changed it and added stuff. there has been a strip of ground near the mix.r by the bbq since they released the shed update. that one has collision though so you can walk on it lol.
  10. i didn't know we were supposed to be able to use the ziplines while carrying planks.
  11. PC, Multiplayer. The patch of grass on the north east side of the oak tree, next to the pond, has not grown back since the last update. it's been like two weeks of in game time and the grass has not come back.
  12. the only time i had issues, like OP described, was when i was on a bad connection. my suggestion was not a cop out, it was based on my own experience since the 1.0 release. pc or console? what console? pc specs? internet speeds? they didn't say any of that.
  13. i'd rather just use the gasmask that protects me 100% and have to repair it.
  14. i've had no issues with the shared multiplayer so far. honestly sounds like you or one of your friends, or both, have internet issues. everything you described could be a poor internet connection somewhere.
  15. it would be far more useful to have it earlier.
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