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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. These are the classics of an English childhood. Every UK child reads Roald Dahl books in primary school. And we pretty much all watch Watership Down before we turn 8.
  2. Regardless of everything else.. I have to say, damn I fell in love with Riker and Troi's retirement home. That was a house I would love to kick back in.
  3. https://thumbs.gfycat.com/ScientificSleepyGentoopenguin-mobile.mp4
  4. One I always end up having to re-post whenever I see it.. (Full of holes, but the idea is amusing)
  5. Business Insider - Trump Administration paid a bankrupt company with no employees $55 million to produce n95 masks
  6. It started out with an interesting idea, and generally has a lot of strong actors in all the roles. They play the whole intrigue, threat, double / triple/quadruple agents quite well. However, season 1 starts out with Jack Bauer as a very capable agent. By Season 3 Jack Bauer is American James Bond. By Season 5 he's pretty much Batman. It rolls like that.
  7. On the related to reading.. especially for those folks who like their David Weber / Honor Harrington sci-fi. Essence of Wonder - Show notes for episode 1: Warfighting in space with David Weber and Friends
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