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Everything posted by AlphaProtocolForever

  1. In my household, 1 person plays a game, 2 people watch (or more, depending on visitors.) Well, I got the DS3 demo, and the first thing that happened was my roommate ordered a game shutdown. Quizzically, I killed my terminal, he left the tech room and came back with a bottle of 1800 tequila and 3 shot glasses. Then, I was told to restart. Thus, the Jayne Kessynder drinking game was born. Will we survive when the full game releases? 2 more bottles were ordered for pickup as a standby.
  2. I just found out why the game was delayed. Thorton was charged with hacking into the computer systems at Alpha Protocol, so he is being replaced by some guy named JC Denton.
  3. I do have to say that one of the more hilarious ways to kill a person in Project Snowblind was with the ICEpick hackertool. Would be amusing if the sonic weapon had a similar method of killing someone.
  4. Read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Never_Gonna_Give_You_Up Then: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rickrolling And you will understand. However, you may commence hating on the OP now.
  5. That's because you buy all your games, you dirty non-pirate. I buy my games on steam. I don't need another DRM to crash it to hell and back. Also, I like using mods. GFWL requires disabling in FO3 to use the more advanced ones. Then disable it. It isn't that hard to do. That is a violation of the EULA.
  6. FOOK2 You can find at http://www.fookunity.com/wiki/Main_Page Also, I got consistent crashes at higher resolutions after being in game for a while until I disabled GFWL. Enjoy.
  7. Sweet. I found a bug on an unreleased game. My very first! [Treasures the moment]
  8. If a dev reads this and this is supposed to appear in game, please let us know what you want to say so we can patch it for you :D
  9. I would not count on AP having (m)any mods anyway... I very much expect a mod to change the weapon names to real ones to be done pretty quick.
  10. Certainly is a bit of a stretch, though. "Insisto" means "I follow." I'm operating under the assumption (backed up by the failure of latin) that the translator was fracking clueless.
  11. Best translation I got is: "Where none can follow"
  12. There's actually a GURPS based version of the Prime Directive Star Trek (Starfleet Battles) role playing game (they also did D20 and are planning on returning to D6 as well). I believe its set in a divergent universe, but I'd imagine it would be adaptable to re-aligning with whatever ST universe one wanted. D20 is familiar to everyone in my gaming group, so that would be a viable option. I'll look into that. Thanks.
  13. That's because you buy all your games, you dirty non-pirate. I buy my games on steam. I don't need another DRM to crash it to hell and back. Also, I like using mods. GFWL requires disabling in FO3 to use the more advanced ones.
  14. Clearly, the feedback from these forums is being taken into account and SEGA is making Obsidian be sure that there is no DRM, no GFWL, no plastic man appearance, correcting all the spelling errors of Thorton's name in the code, correcting latin translations, adding trigger discipline, and many other things mentioned throughout the forum :D
  15. You forgot the Vaporware option however unlikely it may be.
  16. Humbug. But then, I'm one of those people that get annoyed at the least little thing (like Thorton's lack of trigger discipline in some of the concept art.)
  17. If you haven't watched the latest ST movie, do not continue reading. The game in question mechanic-wise is going to be Elite Force style (The PCs are part of the Hazard Team on the Enterprise E.) There will be: Time travel (else this wouldn't work) Q (The trial never ends) Organians (they're gone for a reason) Borg (we love them) Vulcans (only some though, their world got blow'd up) and more races (there are lots of them) Lots of combat Lots of research Lots of social interaction Section 31 EVA combat EMH Preservers (The biggest part of the story arc) There will for the most part not be: Starship combat (will be handled cinematicly except for maybe a shuttle battle or two) This will be a long term campaign, 4-6 players. System ideas would be appreciated. I'm familiar with several, but I'm not sure which would be best to use in this scenario. I'll flesh out the story if anyone is terribly interested.
  18. Hmm. Did you also translate Ackbar into fish on another site?
  19. Well, Insisto is present tense, 1st person. And "non" would be the correct word for that terminology.
  20. Well, I'm trying to decipher the background image of the feed in another thread if that counts.
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