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About bluecollaralaskan

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  1. I believe its Tali. I might be wrong, but I think Morsdin also has something to offer in the way of ship upgrades..
  2. I bought it on release day and have been playing all week in single player, I ended up basically having the whole week off from work, so I've got a good near 30 hrs and I've been really liking the single player.. I joined a group for a little while yesterday, and didn't like it so much, mostly cause it was people I didn't know, and a couple of them kept just rushing the enemies and it would just turn into madness.. I'd imagine that playing with people who use some tactics would be a lot of fun, or at least people whose tactics are compatible with your own.. so your not just trying to revive everyone all the time.. But yeah excellent game.. I'm still on my first playthrough, I've done every side quest, and Ive been really taking my time and checking out every little corner and room, they hide a lot of loot in out of the way places.. I hear that most playthroughs take around 15-20 hrs but I've been at it all week and I'm sure I've got 30 hrs into it at least, and I thing I'm like two thirds through the mainquest maybe more....
  3. I've been checking the pawn shops for a PS3 lately, I really want to play this, And I hear Uncharted 2 is pretty good as well, There is only a couple PS3 exclusives that I'm really interested in and have a really hard time justifying buying a brand new console just for a couple games...
  4. I hope the single player aspect works as well as the multiplayer.. I like top play as more of a loner than a team member.. And then I'm guessing there is also single player on or offline. Hopefully the style of humor from the trailers carries over to the game, although it's hard to effectively add humor to games there have been a few to pull it off...
  5. Just started Jade Empire a few days ago, Thought about getting it for quite a while, I'm glad I finally did.. I'm also currently in the middle of Neverwinter Nights, FO1, Prototype, Shadow Complex, and Penny Arcade episode 1 There is a couple others that I havent played for a few weeks, but am still planning to finish, Indigo Prophecy, Dreamfall, the longest Journey, Because of my job I don't get nearly as much time to play games so I end up bouncing around alot, because there is all these games that I want to play and not enough time to play them.. I also just in the past year was able to get back into gaming after eight or nine years of being married, running a business, and raising kids.. So I've ben trying to play catch up, but my stack of unfinished games is getting bigger all the time... There is a bunch more I want to get but I need to exercise a little restraint until I finish some of the ones I've started...
  6. Giantbomb has the release date as oct 6, is that wrong?? Sorry if I'm being ignorant I just stepped over here today, I'm normally on the Bethesda forums Just read through the thread, I'll now consider myself up to speed, and a little bummed out, I was really hoping that date was accurate... Oh well
  7. I'm pretty sure that Obama care is going down in flames.. They have every argument they can come up with to get the people on their side and the polls continue to drop, they could simply push it through but that would pretty much guarantee that anyone who is up for re election would lose.. I'm predicting that house bill 3200 as it now is written is dead, and if it gets passed it will be re written to not include a government option and no single payer health care
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