Just started Jade Empire a few days ago, Thought about getting it for quite a while, I'm glad I finally did..
I'm also currently in the middle of Neverwinter Nights, FO1, Prototype, Shadow Complex, and Penny Arcade episode 1
There is a couple others that I havent played for a few weeks, but am still planning to finish, Indigo Prophecy, Dreamfall, the longest Journey,
Because of my job I don't get nearly as much time to play games so I end up bouncing around alot, because there is all these games that I want to play and not enough time to play them.. I also just in the past year was able to get back into gaming after eight or nine years of being married, running a business, and raising kids.. So I've ben trying to play catch up, but my stack of unfinished games is getting bigger all the time... There is a bunch more I want to get but I need to exercise a little restraint until I finish some of the ones I've started...