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About Madd

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  1. Hey guys! Im pretty sure you can kill readric at level 5 as solo wizard. Wouldnt recommend it in ultimate, but if you have ability to save that shouldnt be that hard. Tips i can drop: 1. When you first go to the readric tell him, you will kill kolsc. That will grant you access to the entire keep (except dungeon) and allow you to loot everything and grab some sweet items. 2. Use money to get yourself deadfire belt (dlc vendor) and figurine with animat (gilded vale smith) upgrade belt to full. 3. As you progress towards battle, grab other essential items from 'random' drop: day 2: deflection and protection rings (wolf guarded hidden stash and cementary hidden stash) day 5: gloves of manipulation (chest near the dead readric wife), day 6: boots of stability (readric keep dungeon near leader) day 9: gloves of accuracy (hidden stash rooftop in readric castle) You can use priest to rest for free and skip time. 4. Dead body thats southwest on margrans fork map will have either fine pollaxe or fine greatsword. This weapon is really good on every class. (except monk) Enchant it with fire (hidden stash in the dragon skull) and you have enough to get you through act 1. And yes, its good even on casters. 6. Get fast runner when solo. It will allow you to splitpull most of the packs, and will be needed when fighting readric. 7. Battle itself: close the door so the other guards are not pulled. Start south east, pull one of guys with ranged (crossbow because of long range) and run through door to room with his dead wife and another room. If you do that right, only 1-2 enemies will come after you. Wear full plate arnour with fine enchant to neglect incoming damage. With your mage toolkit you should be more than fine. BATTLE WITH READRIC CANT BE RESETED. So as long as even one of his guards is alive, you wont be able to switch gear etc. Im whole day at work today (8.05) but I will try to post video of killing him tommorow anyway good luck!
  2. Hey! Firstly, sorry for my english, its not my first language so i will probably do a lot of mistakes! About your question, the composition is very good. Few things that i did on triple crown runs and make them cackewalk (and few general tips aswell): 1. outworn buckler + little saviour stacks. So if you have them on two different party members, and you stay in range you will have +10 to all defenses. Use helwax mod from keep mission and copy another little saviour, and all your party have +15 to all defenses. Absolutely incredible. 2. DR is important. Very important. Dont be afraid to put high dr armours on casters/range characters, especially if you dont know the game yet or your backliners are fewshotted by some nasty enemies with gap closers. Of course the less recovery penalty the better, but its small price to pay for survival of your mage/priest untill you can help them out 3. In pillars, and especially on potd, its hard to complete all challenges straight away. If you cant beat something, its not always your fault, get a level or two then try again. (examples: bear cave, eothas temple in gilded vale, endless paths, white march) 4. you can respec at every vendor, so if you feel like you've chosen something wrong, dont be afraid to try different approach. Money is not a problem later in pillars, so sparing 2k for respec is definetly worth it 5. One party member with max mechanics is must have. Give him one survival for extra +1 dr rest bonus and put every other point into mechanics. Traps on potd later in the game can oneshot even fully geared 16 level character, so its always good to see them. Now to party members! Paladin -> as you said tank, outworn + hatchet early on, later I would switch hatchet for spelltongue to dispel enemy buffs with every hit. (good when dealing with broodmothers or endgame wizards/priests). White crest armour for that juicy overwhelming wave start, +9 deflection and +9/9/9 ring and you're pretty much immortal late in the game. If you dont use Pallegina go wild orlan or moon godlike, both are very good. I like paladins with shield in party play more, because you have so many usefull utility spells, that its a bit waste to make them another dps. Remember to take accuracy aura and liberating exhortation, ability to suspend every cc/dot in the game for 20++ seconds, that you can use twice per encounter is extremly good (especially vs those nasty adragan petryfication) Monk -> you cant go wrong with monk. This class is absolutely amazing and fun/easy to play. You have everything you may want. Awesome constitution to hp conversion, huge dmg, utility. Untill very lategame you dont even need to think about weapons, cause your fists are always "upgraded" when you ding thresholdt level (4, 8, 12, 16). Torment reach will be your main source of dmg for whole game, take two weapon style for free 20% attack speed and weapon focus: peasant for extra accuracy. Also Ryona's Breastplate is making monks absolute jaggernauts, so dont hesitate giving your monk this sweet armour :D. Later in the game adding +15% attack speed gloves and We-Toki axe/Godansthunyr, along with high perception will allow you to prone/stun enemies on crits. Wizard -> CC kings, debuff masters. Chill fog and blind will be your friend through entire game, especially when bodyblocking doors/entrances. Give them as much accuracy as you can (+5 gloves, +6 acc aura, +4 perception cloak, priest buffs). Dont fall into weapon focus traps, as it does not count for spells. For tough battles you can start with call to slumer, before enemies can buff themselves, and if you crit you have free win . For early game blast + improved blast + combusting wounds + chill fog + kakaloth weapon is making you aoe terminator, basically every wand shot/chill fog tick will trigger waves of another burn damage. Gyrd Haewanes Stenes have good synergy with wizard, so i like to use that weapon on them. Priest -> Well, nothing really interesting here. Interdiction at start, aoe heal for extra acc for most important abilities, so you can crit with them. Minor avatar at start of tough battles, so your buffs last longer. About the gear +9 def and 9/9/9 ring is more important that +extra priest spells, so dont buy those rings as they are waste of time. Remember that you have supress afflictions, to get your guys out of cc. You have a lot of good buffs from early game: armor of faith, blessing, dire blessing, whithdraw etc, so dont be afraid and take your time to try them out to see what they do In lategame your arsenal of spells is over the top and using them will make a difference. I will write the rest later, as im running now out of time hope that it help atlast a bit! Good luck!
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