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Andres Arigon

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Everything posted by Andres Arigon

  1. Hey Thank you for your tips. how useful is Sure-Handed-Ila in turn based ? I think the reloading speed is useless in turn based also, I was thinking to use the war bow which heal your party if you kill an enemy + give you a spell with a ST healing
  2. It is an example of my Bow Bard Support build (21 points) + weapon. White rectangle = Free spell chosen in the character creation Red rectangle = MUST Red dash rectangle = Maybe / Alternative Yellow rectangle = Duplicated MUST passive Yellow dash rectangle = Duplicated Maybe / Alternative passive What do you think? Any feedback is welcome
  3. Hello there, I’m planing to build my support bard, a proper buff, debuff, crow control and with some damage on the top. I know there is not a proper bard class but I guess the Chanter(trovador) is the most closest class and sub class to the Bard. (Sorry I have a big passion about bards!, especially support bards) I am thinking to give a try to the multi class POTD in a team of 5. I know rangers talent tree is boring and not optimal for a bard however I would like to build a bard with a bow or crossbow. I saw some bows that can give some support. Again, I know it is not optimal. Is it possible to play a bard with a bow? how bad is the chanter/rangers in terms of support? I know less optimal than chanter/ paladin or Druid. However, I don’t like to play OP classes. Any recommendation for a ranger subclass? Any personal experience? thanks
  4. I can see! It was very useful! I’m thinking to go in a party of five! So following your feedback I am going to try multi classes then I would like to enjoy the game = not feel I’m cheating with God mode on (sc)
  5. So.. at high level is there a big difference between going MC or SC in terms to make game easier? To be honest I would like to feel I’m cheating because I’m with MC when I can get the good things from two classes or as SC when my power level is going to make me feel like god. Is there a big difference in terms difficulty going MC or SC?
  6. Hey again! So I was playing the first island 🏝 with full multi classes team in (PoTD) and then a second round with single classes and oh boy… the first round with MC it was so easy! I had to check I was playing in PoTD However with SC it was haaaaard, and I love it I had to think what to do when etc. I am not sure if it changes later and playing with MC will be make the fights harder than going with SC but at the moment it was my impression in the first 🏝
  7. Hey guys... I've only finished this game one.. with SC and the other with MC. My MC experience was... ok from the gameplay point of view (more stuff to press) however, I felt the game was very very easy. So yes you get skills and level up slower.. however, when you get the skills you break the game. So my question is.. Do the MC make the game easier? What do you think?
  8. Hello guys! It will be xmy 3rd run (in the hardest difficulty) and I would like to play with off meta builds to have an extra challenge (I always try to play off meta build I found them more fun) So… I already have my main healer / buffer /debuffuer = SC Troubadour and now it is time for my tank! I was thinking to build a monk tank (FF) SC too ( in my experience, maybe I’m wrong but Multi classes make the game very easy because you get the good stuff from two classes) So after this long bla bla…is there any reason to spend any point in the level 7 and 8 skills/spell, they look meh from the Tank point of view. I think I’m going to use that extras point for passive but I would like to double check with someone with more experience with the tank monk if that level 7 and 8 spells bring something useful.
  9. I was thinking more Fury druid / Wizard or pure Wizard (transmutation) but I am going to check Wizard/Chanter
  10. Hey, Maybe it is not the most OPTIMAL and to be honest, I love playing off-meta build. I love playing Ice mage and I wonder if it is possible to build an Ice mage in this game? Have someone tried to build a pure Ice mage in this game? Any feedback?
  11. Another question I have is the initial attributes... any idea?
  12. That is the reason why I find shield better than the stuff
  13. Hey.. So if I didn't miss understand are you say Helwalker is the best subclass for Monk tank even if you can kill yourself with the X% additional dmg? I am going to give a try.. I love off meta builds! For example in my previous game I was healing as a pure Chanter (it was hard but so fun)
  14. Hi I dont have any mods.. I think it is a turn-based bug.. I have now a Troubadour and everything cost 1 phase more and instead to start with 4 phases I start with 3. Yes, may be you are right it is a bug but at this point of the game I don't expect someone is going to fix this bug. I have tried to post it in the support area and nothing from the developers
  15. I only have 18 intellect and I can see every 2or3 turns (it is random) I have 2 chants ON with Brisk recitation ON is it a visual bug? or is it possible to have 2 chants running with Brisk recitation On?
  16. Hello guys, [Turn-base] As a Troubadour, is it possible to have Brisk recitation on (2phases/turn but the linger duration is removed) and with X intellect to get 2 or even 3 chants running at the same time? If the answer is yes... how many intellect do you need to get 2 chants running in the same turn? 25? For example Ancient Memory + Mercy and Kindness Followed Where'er She Walked Thanks or if I remove the linger effect = you ONLY are able to keep 1 chant on
  17. OKy guys.. I've just started a new game because I couldn't find the way to fix this bug with my chanter... and again.. I am a Skald Chanter it is means my 'Rejoice, My Comrades! Two Fingers of Daylight' cost 5 instead of 4. However I always start with 4 phases and the max I can get without empower myself is 4/5. Is it a bug or is it something normal?
  18. Hi Why does the Cipher has support skills (echo)? I've never seen any Cipher support build or a Cipher build around the echo spells. Is it a thing? or these echo skills are there for multi class builds?
  19. Following this topic.. My chanter is bugged Since two days ago I only can get 4/4 phases when I have a 5 phase spell with my chanter. I have tried to retraining it but nothing... any help?
  20. I did it. I have retraining and nothing.. I never have 5phases. Two days ago I had access to 5 phases but I don't know what I did :S and now my max phases are 4 . Is there another way to fix this bug? Is there any support tool?
  21. Hi I only use Eyestrike when there is a group of range mobs to F*** them and force them to walk in melee, also to avoid my back line (low CON and low DEF get killed in 2 shoots) I prefer to use Phantom Foes to open as well... because I don't know if it is a bug but...sometime some mobs who are flaked they don't attack or walk or anything... it is weird. It is like they are stunned.
  22. Hello guys I have a problem... I have a Chanter (Skad) as you know the non-offensive spells are +1 expensive.. however, my max phases are all time 4/4. I am not able to get the 5th phases to use my spell. Is it a bug or what I am doing bad? If it is a bug, how could I fix it?
  23. Cool thank you for the feedback! At the moment I am lovely my experience with this off-meta tank! Even more than the blood mage. Are the following attributes distribution ok? Race: PALE ELF (extra PER point and nice anti fire/frozen def) MIG: 8 (buff/debuff are not relate with MIG, also I am not expecting to generate focus attacking or even using auto attacks) CON: 13 DEX: 3 + 1 (Turn base, DEX sucks!) PER: 18 + 1 (It is very important because if I fail with my debuff = lose focus = lose tank potential) I have tried with PER:15 and omg.. fail a debuff feels so bad! because in the next turn you are not going to have enough focus to do something and the enemies are going to hit you harder for two turns INT: 16 Buff/Debuff duration and AOE radius. RES: 18 + 1 Love to see my enemies failing all their attacks
  24. Hello I am trying all the off-meta tanks.. and at the moment the Blood mage (SC) is love! Now it is the turn for the Cipher, is there any way to make a Cipher (SC) tank? I know he cannot get a good DEF numbers, Tank is not only to have about BIG DEF, I think CC is a big part of the tanking role as well. If it is possible.. what is the best sub-class? Also, I would like to double check how the Cipher focus generation works.... big dmg (HIGH MIG = more focus by hit?) Ta!
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