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Everything posted by tnbp

  1. I have what I'm sure is a very unique problem. I have made my main base as a treehouse high on the outside of the oak tree. It's essentially as high as you can go before you can just walk through the tree trunk. Everything is anchored by two very tall elevators, one on each side of the base. All told, I am 48 wall heights up from my starting level. At that height, none of the production stations show the check mark that they have completed whatever they were doing. It's definitely a problem specific to the height because if I relocate them back to ground level (or close to ground level) in the same game, the check marks reappear. So spinning wheels no longer have them, ovens no longer have them, glue mashers, whatever. Anything that would normally show that check mark no longer does at that height.
  2. This is also the case with me. I play on PC via Steam.
  3. I've stopped progressing, entirely, and have just been trying to grind out the super spider venom. It's honestly ridiculous. I have killed somewhere in the vicinity of 10 widows now and I've been stuck on three venom since the first kill. That's dumb, in my opinion. The drop rate is way, way too low, IMO. To hit this hurdle is a real game killer...
  4. Since the patch, I'm experiencing some funky save file activity. In some cases, I go to manually save a game and nothing happens. It just doesn't make a new save file. Other times, I go to load into a save file and the game doesn't finish loading and it crashes. Anybody else?
  5. Crazy question for the community here: I have built a treehouse up on the outside of the oak tree. I have a very, very tall elevator that gets me up there on one side (it was originally a very tall zip line platform that I've now converted into a full-blown base.) I want to build another elevator on the back side of it, which is proving to be VERY difficult to do. That's mostly because I'm trying to build from the top down in order to make sure everything lines up correctly. So here's my question: Is it possible to make a copy of this save file and change that copy to creative so I can experiment and plot things out before going back to the original save (in survival) to try and build it for real?
  6. I've been raided many more times in the same fashion since my original post. It seems like it always happens right as I wake up from sleeping overnight. I'll wake up in the morning, I hear the horn sound, and then a raid starts. I really don't understand. Who can explain the raid mechanic to me?
  7. I need someone to help me understand the base raiding mechanics. I have been seemingly randomly raided three times now. There has not been a visual warning that things are amping up (i.e., "Larva want you gone.") On top of that, I have killed literally zero bugs leading up to them, either. There's not a meter or something that I don't know about where I can see how pissed a faction is/is getting, right? I don't want to turn raids off-- but I'd like to understand what is happening, here. Was something added in the most recent patch? I've never experienced this prior to very recently. I just don't get this. Is anyone else experiencing this, as well?
  8. I assume they changed it from the previous materials because it *forces* you to move all around the yard. You can't just find one spot to farm berry leather and one spot to farm quartzite and, instead, you have to spread out all over the yard. That's an argument against just rebalancing, I suppose. So I think, with that in mind, that I can understand why they didn't just rebalance. They wanted to push us into exploring more of the yard, so they incentivize us to do so. My hang up on the new system isn't the system, itself; it's the names. The names of the materials are what kill me. AND the fact that we can take a bunch of unrelated materials and apparently morph them into these new materials, magically. It's just so, so bad. (Although, I *could* get behind something like the glue station as an armor upgrade, mashing bug parts to make some type of paste or something. But turning a spider fang into a rock is just a bridge too far. It's asinine.)
  9. Ugh. Really?? It's just SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad. It's depressing. After playing all through Early Access, this final update has me NOT wanting to play at release. This has effectively ruined the game for me. Sad.
  10. I've been playing Grounded since the first year of release. I've got about 217 hours of playtime logged on Steam. I've never posted an opinion or feedback on anything Grounded-related prior to this. But I'm just so incredibly turned off by the new "nugget" system that I felt compelled to post. Though the nugget system is certainly an upgrade from the quartzite grind of the past, I find it to be a completely immersion-breaking, non-sensical solution. What the hell is a "nugget?" How can this "nugget" be used to upgrade armor or a weapon? I just don't get it. Not at all. It seems to me that this is a solution that has been implemented for a valid problem that has been done without a greater vision for what the game is supposed to be or how it's supposed to play. Previous upgrade system is way too grindy and needs changing? Let's just makeup a mcguffin item to solve that problem. And let's give that mcguffin a silly, nothing name, while we're at it... It's come as no small surprise to me that this, of all things, might be the straw that breaks the camel's back and pushes me to stop playing Grounded after release. The system, itself, is an upgrade to the previous system. But the implementation? I personally hate it. So, am I the only one?
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