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Everything posted by Superpupdog

  1. While there's not official support, if you have it on steam you can use a controller to play the game through Steam Input. While looking at the game in your library, there should be a controller button on the right side of the screen. If not, you might need to enable Steam Input in the settings (maybe even in Big Picture mode). Someone's already made a button layout for this game on the controller that you can select and everything.
  2. Ah dang, that would've been fun haha Thanks for letting me know though! I appreciate the confirmation
  3. Hey hi, I've an idea for a mod that seemed pretty fun and simple, but after looking into it I'm not entirely sure it's feasible. Basically I want to make a status effect that uses one defense in place of another (e.g. Reflex instead of Deflection). I got the idea from the Evasive/Arrow Shield talents in Tyranny. I couldn't find any StatusEffectTypes that do something like this, so I figured the next easiest approach would be making a status effect that sets Deflection's value to the current value of Reflex (e.g. if your Deflection was 46 and Reflex was 78, Deflection would become 78 instead). Looking through the StatusEffectComponent, I was thinking I could set StatusEffectType to "Deflection", then use DynamicValue and set its Stat to Reflex. But "Stat" doesn't seem to have that option. So I'm reaching out to see if anyone here might have some insight for this; whether there's a better way to do this, or if there's even a way to do this at all if you're still reading this, thanks for hearin me out.
  4. For some reason, this ability is bugged on all of my playthroughs. It only lasts for 4.1 secs instead of the 20 secs it's supposed to (22 secs with my 12 INT bonus). I've the latest version on Steam and the DLC's (3.07.1318). I tried deleting the assetbundles in question and redownloading them through steam, but it still doesn't work properly. I don't know if anyone else has encountered this or has an idea on how to fix it, but I figured I'd make note of it anywho.
  5. Aumaua Mou Shindeiru A monk build inspired by Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star. Yes, I’m immensely proud of this name. If you're not familiar with Fist of the North Star, this might be kinda alienating. But I've linked most of my references so you can be in on the joke with me. Difficulty: Story Time Race: Coastal Aumaua Class: Monk Party: Solo Name: The name of this build actually fits just within the Character limit. Do with this information what you will. Attributes: Notes: Background: Rauatai - Drifter Skills: Notes: Equipment: Abilities: Talents: Faction/General Talents: Bonus: Portraits I handcrafted these portraits just for this build. You're welcome.
  6. I've been making some mods for my own playthroughs with the Monk in Pillars 1, and I've found great success in making the adjustments I've wanted to by using Staehrminator's fantastic tutorial here: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86074-tutorial-editing-abilities-talents-and-items/ However, the one thing I haven't been able to figure out is changing the '50% chance to Reflect Ranged Attacks' of the 'Soul Mirror' ability. Following the method from the tutorial linked above, I was able to view the data of the largest MonoBehaviour asset in the soulmirror.unity3d file. But as shown in the picture below, its 'StatusEffectParams Status Effects' simply has nothing to edit. Thus far, I've tried: Looking through the other MonoBehaviours/assets in the soulmirror.unity3d file. Searching the 'objectbundles' folder for any other files that might be related to it (like the 'spell_chance' files or the 'reflection'/'reflecting' files) Looking through the 'monkprogressiontable' object for any clues. I've tried just about everything I can think of, and maybe I'm missing something, but I'm at a loss in regards to where I can find this percentage chance and adjust it. So here I am seeking better wisdom if anyone has any ideas as to what I could try next, I am open and super duper grateful haha _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ UPDATE: I found a different way to change it. I had to download dnSpy and open the Assembly-CSharp.dll with it. I edited the SoulMirror script under '{ } - ', compiled it, and it works I did have to add UnityEngine.dll as an Assembly Reference while Editing the Class to compile it, though. I'll leave this up in case anyone else wants to do this for themselves. Definitely make a backup of the Assembly-CSharp.dll if you decide to do this.
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