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About AlphaPro

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    (4) Theurgist
    (4) Theurgist
  1. So obviously, Obsidian is bribing SEGA with sugary treats to let their game be released tomorrow.
  2. Wow, this forum would be so boring without Lord of Flies. Hail!
  3. i guess i agree. I don't like ten years of waiting for a game, even if it is really good, but I also don't want 10 mediocre games instead of it.
  4. well, now that we got word from Obs, I think we can safely assume the game is not canceled, right?
  5. Oh, and to answer the usefulness of the radio mimic, its for more than one person, i.e. two people are talking, you could either A. Blow one of there heads off with a bolt action, then the other one pulls an alarm. Or B. use the mimic to lure them into the train your on, quietly dispatch them with your knife THEN blow the other guys head off with a bolt-action. Of course, an m-60 would probably solve that problem by spraying, no wait, make that a suprressed m-60.
  6. ha, funny how everyone is saying this game is dead, but a simple question has gone on for 28 pages.
  7. Oh, I was thinking somewhere along the lines of the virus was submitting an alpha Protocol , ah what do you call it, ah, beta? To sega, the virus failed, i.e. Sega rejected it now theyre revising it to submit it again, i.e. another chance to slip in the virus. Of course, that is if this is relevant at all, which it better be. Decrypting this makes me feel like an espionage man.
  8. wow, all this racism is making me hungry. Big mac, anyone?
  9. hard decisionz suc ballz anyway, with the original october release only five days away, I really doubt we will be seeing the game then. anyone know why it wasnt at TGS?
  10. heres what I got when I put it into the first online translator on google. Not any can to enter upon Lotta sense, eh?
  11. I have made a successful translation: Alphapro is a beast
  12. funny, Rorie's still been updating the twitter, why is he vacant on the forum? Even a 'We cannot comment at this time' message would be good enough
  13. i wish that whenever a game was cancelled, they would release whatever they have, no matter the amount of bugs or levels uncomplete, for like, $5 dollars on steam just so any games that get canned can still be played by fans. Even though I hope Alpha Protocol is not cancelled, if it is, I wish they would do this.
  14. But wouldn't it be cold under the bridges, or when you're walking around looking for wifi signals?Here's an
  15. whoa whoa whoa, when is Dead Rising 2 coming out? because that will be a primary game for me next year.. then i was thinking about GT5 & God of War 3.. man this sucks. Deadrising 2 is comin March 2010 i think. Ill probably get DR2 then decide between Bioshock and Alpha Protocol. If I got the cash, ill get both. Also, whos the n00b who called me a troll *cough* Dennis *cough*. Just thought you should know that me living under a bridge does not classify me as a troll, im homeless and its warm and cozy there.
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