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About gamerguy845

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. don't be sorry, be glad we don't have to deal with this wack on the forums!
  2. good read, I'm really looking forward to AP
  3. still, good press is... good.
  4. So in Alpha Protocol, I'm pretty sure there will be 3 safehouses. One in Moscow, Rome, and in ( Saudia Arabia?) There was a video about this, but I'm posting to reconfirm and see if anything new has popped up. So far we know we can: change appearance customize look customize weapons buy supplies from blakcmarket interact with items from past missions email contacts speak with people on the TV I was wondering if I left out anything or something that's incorrect. Also, what do you think your favorite safehouse will be? I like Rome's the best.
  5. I'm surprised LoF hasn't been banned yet, oh well
  6. I'm actually going to go out on a limb here and say TC is a troll. If not, you're still a really sad person. Not every game has to have "girl power" just because you want it. Get over yourself
  7. Of course, the day I ask this, we get confirmation that the demo is officially a "no show" ( downbeat article) I think Obsidian is making a mistake judging by how to game is not limited in how to make a demo ( where as Far Cry 2 and Fallout 3 might be). Anyways, I still have good hopes for this game.
  8. I am pretty sure there haven't been any offcial announcements, but doesn't AP seem like the perfect game for a demo? It seems like a slap in face not to have one because of how the game is layed out, plus it would boost marketing. Thoughts, Opnions?
  9. thanks for the link, by the way, who is the guy from you Avatar?
  10. Hey everyone, this is mainly a question for the devs, but if you know the answer, feel free to chime in. My first question is can you take unsuspecting victims hostage ( i.e. Splinter Cell) If so, what will you be able to do with them once in this "choke hold" And on a side note will we be able to make descision like this? http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/alphaprotoc...eos%3Btitle%3B5 ( like hijacking helicopter and attaching grenades to people? ) Thanks
  11. I'll buy the CE if it comes with a silenced 9mm
  12. I was wondering if there are any types of sedatives or poison syringes that can be used in game. ( Hitman ?)
  13. Also, I noticed in the pre-order additions that there are tranq darts. Will tranq darts still be in the regular game?
  14. so that means use automatically use the knife when you try to stealth kill someone?
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