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Kairo Kitchens

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About Kairo Kitchens

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  • Xbox Gamertag
  • Interests
    Gaming, bike riding, bowling, mini golf watching spooky movies and research the internet
  1. After I visited the outside of the haze lab the lab icon appears that tells you how far away you are which is 34 meters. After I left the haze went back to my home with 1st field lab in the middle it was still there. When I went exploring for the berries which are 600 meters away from the haze lab the lab icon still appears and doesn't go away. The icon stayed the same when visiting stink bug area in the northwest side.
  2. I was quite faraway from shooting a berry with an arrow so the berry fell but when through the ground. This location was the branches closest to the bird bath that leads to it with 3 berries was where this issue happened. I lost 3 arrows and 1 berry.
  3. That happened to on several occasions when hitting the diving bell spider in the air with arrows. The arrows hit the lilypad and disappeared and were unattainable to retrieve although the arrow icon still showed. When I killed the spiderlings on the frisbee the arrows got stuck on it but the arrow icon was below the ground although I was able to get the arrows back
  4. In my experience I find the spider armor easier to take on the wolf spiders and more versatile than the lady bug armor it allows me to side step it faster, back away from it's jump attack damaging me, running a a few foot away so it doesn't have a chance to bite me and with my stamina refilling faster I get that extra chance of attacking it 1 more time or using a block.
  5. I'm gonna see if killing them in they're face makes it a higher chance of obtaining it. 1 thing I like about the Wolf spider is the fangs are guaranteed each time you kill it, 1-2 of them. But before attacking the ladybugs i rather throw on a gas mask and kill many stinkbugs as I can, make as many gas arrows as possible and use that to kill the ladybug instead and having to bait if it runs a away. I recommend the gas arrows for solo players or people who have great difficulty killing ladybugs or more dangerous bugs. Last thing when using gas arrows shoot them around the insect so you don't lose it. I had 9 gas arrows and lost 2 since I shot the beetle directly.
  6. I was able to get around the spider by hitting them 1st running away from the lab door then going to side to side back to the lab door to make it harder for them to hurt me. Try to block more, move side to side, hit the spiders with arrows where they can't detect you cause the eventually run and scurry away from the current area they were hovering in. Use gas arrows to heavily damage them, lure arrows to move them or those lure traps put them away from the lab door. Lastly when your visiting a dangerous area like that don't bring a ton of good loot with you unless your sure your gonna do. Just have at least 5 previous game saves so you don't have to worry that much about not getting your stuff back yes what you accomplished in the last 5 min will be lost but you can do that over again.
  7. Armor section: We have a full armor set for Spider, Acorn, Grub, Ladybug, Clover and Ant,, will there be a full set for the Beetle, Larva and Stinkbugs. New armor sets I would like is one that lets you jump higher, drinking liquid fills the bar faster same with eating food,. Insects that attack your armor a certain times take damage to keep it balanced. Vision section: Add a telescope/binoculars so we can see things farther away this would be helpful of finding materials, other insects and if it's worth traveling down that particular area, Add night vision goggles to see through the night with a limited time similar to a torch. Storage Section: Is 30 slots the max amount we can hold in the backpack, I was wondering if we could hold another backpack for 60 slots, The fact that we can only hold 10 of 1 item in a slot is small was this intentional or would going higher up cause less performance on the game. Holding 20-40 of the same item in 1 slot is more reasonable without breaking the game, especially with the game adding more armor sets, weapons, materials, insect loot and food. People will have to either drop items more often, leave more materials/weapons at home and run back to they're home more often before the new content arrives. Another way to alleviate this is to add a new storage item that has the same slots as the chest or more and your able to plant this item anywhere you want access anytime you across it in the world. Let's say you have leave the new storage item in the acorn area and travel all the way to berry trees you could make this same storage item and it would contain all your items that were in the acorn area. You could choose whether to keep the chest defensible from all insects or force players to build a wall around to make it vulnerable from attack from many insects not just ants. Food/Liquids Since we have water could fish be added as new food item you need to. Add more soda/juice varieties to drink up and fill our thirst up Insects: I'd like to see the spawn rate of wolf spiders be increased, spiders definitely gave people a scare how about snakes not sure if that would go too far. Hornet, rats and squirrels would be a great addition. Menu: Add an option to put us in the single player or multiplayer automatically. Game Saves: Could there be a way to access a previous game save and go to that directly instead of quitting the world, back to the main menu and then pressing on that specific game save. Hotpouch: Could the d pad serve as another option by pressing left or right on the d pad to access other items instead of using LB to access and right stick to pick the item. Bosses: Last one, does this game have a insect boss if it does I haven't seen it. A boss for each type of insect would make the game fun and challenging. You could choose whether to let the boss re spawn or it's only a 1 time thing.
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