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About juncaj8

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  1. you recall the ending of the game? You drive away on a boat from the hidden area that the alpha protocol hq is at.
  2. It said action espionage rpg on the cover of the game;You can't really gear a game towards a more specific audience than that. The problem with the reviews was that the reviewers went into the game expecting a shooter rpg, like mass effect 2.
  3. Hopefully sega will change their minds about it. Give me blind optimism at least.
  4. Why, Fidel!?! Why!!! Epic win.
  5. Damn those are some brutal scores. It's safe to say that Obsidian definately is not on the same page with modern gamers. For us oldskoolers that might not matter but for company that need to make profit in order to stay aloat, it's a terrible thing. Obsidian will suffer the same end result as Looking Glass and Troika did, if they don't ace with Fallout: New Vegas. There is no way that they can mess up fallout, just impossible because they already have the base formula and ideas.
  6. you could mod games for the 360 too.
  7. can i download this early off of steam??
  8. why don't you just use a 360 controller if it bothers you people that much?
  9. thanks, I just might pick it up, I've got enough money lying around.
  10. I enjoyed the first mass effect alot despite its flaws, do you think I'd like this??
  11. I'm thinking of waiting a couple weeks to a month until the price drops, but a lot of positive feedback from the people on these forums make me think otherwise, plus i feel like i need to kill some time now that i finished up my red dead redemption play through.
  12. ^^ It's in real time with some turn based gameplay (vats).
  13. I had DA:O on the PC, and it, too, was buggy as hell. There you go, the Joystiq guy didn't say the same of DA:O on PC... just shows how good the PR ($) is working... Yes.... when all else fails, blame BioWare and accuse them of bribery. DA:O was buggy (and boring) but by western RPG standards it was fairly well polished. The console versions were hammered fairly. AP is unpolished and buggy and I can see why it's getting a bad reception. The combat and AI is last gen, the visuals are bland and outdated, the story and writing and branching paths is as good as I expected but Thorton is a lame protagonist with some really poorly delivered lines, the plot twists are kinda predictable, hacking minigames every 3 minutes, the "stealth" in this Espionage RPG is a joke, the boss battles are absurd, very limited enemy variety, the game is short.. at first I thought this would be a disappointing mess, then when they started releasing more trailers and videos it looked like it might actually be great, and now I can say I agree with the scathing reviews.... this is easily Obsidian/BlackIsle's worst game. It just isn't very fun in the end and I feel so let down for actually changing my mind and preordering awhile ago. This game doesn't change my mind about New Vegas though, I'm sure that will be great. But yeah....AP is very, VERY disappointing. Just an opinion. Exactly, I don't understand why people here are making excuses for this game being recieved poorly. This game sounds awesome on paper, but in motion it easily looks like obs worst game. There's a good rpg in the mix of this mess, but I might wait for a price drop. People are making excuses because this is the game they've had to wait for through countless delays and can't seem to grasp the idea that it didn't come out too well.
  14. I'm going to wait a month or two until the game drops in price, because I don't want to drop $60 on a game that could be great but it could be terrible.
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