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About Ping5000

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  1. The only reason I'd get it on Steam is if the manual isn't mega-long. I like manuals. Mega and long ones.
  2. http://www.kotaku.com.au/2009/05/rpg-designer-hates-rpgs/ He hates them.
  3. I'd really like to hear more dialogue. That's always been the reason why I play Obsidian games.
  4. At the very least, New Vegas will have more than a voice actor.
  5. I like basketball. I like basketball games. I like third iterations of basketball games.
  6. I think Chris Avellone can beat me in arm wrestling with his left hand. I am extremely buff.
  7. I'm still trying to comprehend all this. This is easily the most monumental development in my life. I'm skittish with anticipation. Obsidian really is the last bastion of CRPG developers with a relative amount of popularity. They've never quite tamed the intricacies of the technology existing today, but they know where they stand in their abilities in writing: somewhere really high. I don't know how long they've been in development, but it's planned to come out next year. Even with the engine and gameplay systems in place, RPGs of this nature need a lot of time. The amount of branching quests, the amount of branching dialogue, the amount of choice and the consequences that follow. If time is of paramount concern, the chances of those RPG traits being neutered is high. On the flipside, Obsidian could just cram it with stuff, with a lot of it not working, but after Neverwinter Nights 2, I think they learned from their grievous errors. It recovered with a malestorm of patches, too. Even 2 years is pushing it. Assuming that's the maximum amount of time they have with development, Obsidian needs to treat this game as an expansion. Treat it like Mask of the Betrayer. A much more personal, small-scale story, dense with content on a relatively limited selection of areas and fix everything Bethesda did wrong, like atmosphere. Writing. Characters. Anything that involved social contact. I know Obsidian is excited. Josh Sawyer's vision for Fallout 3 was lost when Black Isle crumbled from financial destruction. Chris Avellone wishes months of pre-production meant something. Feargus Urquhart was fat and sad before Bethesda approached his studio. He's still fat, but he's now in a constant state of elation.
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