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Everything posted by Mirren

  1. or how about a crossbow or silenced shotgun? or maybe they'll wait to release it as DLC like Far Cry 2
  2. "4 main types of weapons: handguns, SMGs, shotguns, and rifles" i'm hoping that by rifles they mean assault rifles (the Captain America of firearms), still that list seems to be lacking LMG's (i know not the most covert of weapons but if you're wanting to play as a merc it'd be nice to have them), melee weapons (knives and swords), and sniper rifles (hopefully included in the rifles category).
  3. anyone know if it's even possible to complete a level or levels without killing the opposition? or taking it a step further how about completing a level or levels without even firing a weapon, would make for some pretty challenging achievements and would also be well suited to anyone wanting to play as the fresh and idealistic recruit with a strong moral conscience.
  4. anyone know if there's going to be any unusual weapons in the game? i'd like to have access to a Luger or Tommy Gun, could be AP's equivalent of COD 4's MP44 and seeing as it's a roleplaying game it'd be interesting to be able to play as a rogue or psychopath both in terms of character and weapon loadout. and how about melee weapons like a samurai sword or garotte? on a side note does anyone know if there's going to be rifles bolt-action or semi-auto?
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