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Everything posted by Banditos666

  1. Yes that could be a problem, but in the xbox app one could check under "my subscriptions" which game pass they have. Addmitently microsoft does a "great job" making all their packages very "clear": xbox live, xbox gold, xbox game pass for pc, xbox ultimate.....
  2. Apparently i am not wrong and from today the store allows me to play it via the game pass for PC. either some mods here did a reporting or the friendly guy Imad from microsoft support got the message through, but without changing anything, and even uninstalling my steam grounded to be sure, the game works as advertised. Also the text in microsoft store has changed from needing ultimate to show the play button and a text "included with game pass" Thus NO this was NOT FALSE ADVERTISING but rather very likely a MICROSOFT NATIONAL/LOCAL/REGIONAL STORE F***-UP completely by accident. I am now in the process of asking for a steam refund to my wallet and hope they have understanding for the situation, I will try to remove the tag of false advertising but suggest leaving the rest here if any other region/place might get same issue later or now. Now lets not waste more time and enjoy this little marvel of a game. many thanks for the replies,
  3. After 12 hours i still concur, the game is great fun. Sadly there is a microsoft/xbox stroe problem for me so had to buy it on steam instead of my xbox game pass for pc.... It is so "movie-esque" i love it.
  4. Hello @CyberAngel Thank you for your reply and sorry in advance if I sound too frustrated. I appreciate anyone offering their viewpoints. So. If you look at almost all the posts made by obsidian they NEVER said it will be available on the game pass ULTIMATE. All their post sid: it will be available on xbox game pass and xbox game pass for pc<<----- even in the last post 2 days ago "it's time to get grounded" That pass is now available for 5 euro (first month 1euro) and has the grounded - game preview as title and was also the demo they used. Now i have screenshot that after release the only title i had appear (on both the microsoft store and the xbox app @YooooooLago btw) is still grounded and on the game page grounded - game preview. Still that page has ther buy options and all info and details. And as I said the mention "available with xbox game pass ultimate" only appeared after release. I even had online chat with support of Microsoft store. That very helpful fella Imad made me change the region of PC to US and... lo and behold... the game started up via the xbox app!!!! I ended the convo (thanked the man profoundly, I know secondhand how people treat u as garbage on support when they do not feel helped, please always be kind to the person and angry at "the company") got myself installed after 2 hours after release while friend where having fun, in what is a great game to be. And... in the main menu it would no longer connect correctly with xbox services due to those regions settings and Netherlands really being a bitch about those kind of things I guess. Soooooooooo..... I coughed up the frikken full price on STEAM and decided to play it that way seeing as, like I said, they ADVERTISED IT TO BE RELEASED TO SPECIFIC SUBSCRIPTION AND THEN IN NETHERLAND THEY ****ED UP SOMEWHERE SOMEHOW and i fo not want to take the ultimate subscription. TLDR: if for example a provider of TV channels and movies has three forms of subscription, with incremental price ranges where the top is the ULTIMATE package for the newest blockbusters and you have the CHEAPSKATE pack for a bunch of lesser channels and movies. Then it would be clear that if they said "new remake of honey I shrunk thee kids will be available to all CHEAPSKATE subscriptors" that does not imply you need the ULTIMATE package. Or am I really wrong in this?
  5. Keep spamming the hosting and it will work. just probably a lot of people going online at once. My friends had the same issue for 5 minutes and then they had a server.
  6. i can confirm my friends had the same issue but he just kept pressing and it worked. server are probably beeing fired up one after another
  7. Hello, this: "Grounded is included with Xbox Game Pass and Xbox Game Pass for PC," is a LIE The store now says you need XBOX GAME PASS ULTIMATE, what kind of trickery is this???????? Call the damn netherlands microsoft store and get this sorted before we need to start another group lawsuit bacause this is illegal here if this is really the plan.
  8. Hello, I took the next day off and got me the Xbox Game Pass for PC, which is at very affordable 1€ for one month, then 4€ for the next months and so on. Even on your pages, and the microsoft store earlier on, it was said XBOX GAME PASS FOR PC will have it included. And NOW what do you guess? Microsoft store says you need XBOX GAME PASS ULTIMATE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HEre in the netherlands such **** is ILLEGAL and false advertising. Now will someone call those Store app people and tell them to release it AS YOU BOTH ADVERTISED please! A sincerely dissapointed prospect fan with screenshots, just go look at your own "news" here on obsidian dangit.....
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