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About DarthMuffin

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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    TMR, Qc, Can


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  1. I'm really happy with the Arcane Scholar. I really thought that us good-aligned mages would be left out in the cold again, but we have an awesome PrC now =D @ Conan2010: Warriors already have plenty of PrCs - weapon master, divine champion, blackguard, dwarven defender and frenzied berseker. Arcane casters had pale-master and RDD, which both hurt spell progression and are more suited for hybrid characters. It's about time we get dedicated caster PrCs.
  2. I voted for Soule. I really liked the music in K1. In K2, I hardly remember anything from the soundtrack. Soule also produced some great tracks for other games, such as NeverWinter Nights and (one of his best) ES3 Morrowind. However, the last one he made (Guild Wars) is total crap. You can turn it off and you won't even notice.
  3. I would say being padawan is a good idea, but only if the master is an interesting character. I personally hated Kreia, and never took her with me when I could. The best way for this system to work would be to allow your character to choose a master. Once could be a "by the book" master like Obi-Wan, another could be more "practical" like Kyle from Academy.
  4. Ok, I guess nobody's on my side. There seems to be a serious lack of SW purists here Anyway, I'll shut up now
  5. I perfectly understand that a staff is harder to use, and has twice the amount of blades. But like you said, it's too easy to use in the game. Same thing for Jedi Academy. Since they have to keep the feats system, make it so that there are heavy penalties to use a staff. That way, it could be comparable. Yes, the staff has more range, and the duals can strike more often, but the staff is a dangerous weapon for the wielder, and 2 sabers are hard on the balance. We saw this when anakin couldn't keep up with Dooku. In the game, however, they're exaclty like singles, except you hit more often. I'm not saying Lucas created double bladed weaponry for the prequel, I'm saying he created the lightsaber staff for the prequels. That way, the fight would look more "epic". Well, I think (and I'm sure some people agree with me) that the Ep 1 duel is the worst. It's so artificial; there's absolutely no interaction. The fact that an EU character once used a staff doesn't justify the fact that it's now in every "lightsaber" game. It all comes down to TPM. Even though I would prefer a world of single blades, I understand the need of "cooler" stuff for games. I don't mind having staves in the game (especially since there's no MP, so I can just live in my own world (like my Ranger in NWN would get slaughtered by a lower level fighter with dev crits). In KotOR at least, my single saber guardian can live in peace without having to fight overpowered enemies), but I do think that some heavy tweaking is necessary. All the saber styles should be equal.
  6. I'm glad I'm not the only one liking single sabres. Back on the bioware boards, you seldom hear about someone using dueling with a guardian. IMO, all this stuff in the prequels is just a big mistake (especially maul). If you listen to the "birth of the lightsabre" thingy on the classic DVDs, you learn that Lucas wanted sabers to be wielded with both hands, as if it was a heavy sword. Of course some tweaking appeared (such as when Vader fights a noobish Luke), but having a guy who has 3 lines in the whole movie fighting 2 Jedi with a "staff" is just bad, and was obiously made to give a "cooler" and younger image of SW. Didn't work on me. The dual sabers in Ep 2 aren't that bad, since anakin gets owned pretty fast. As for KotOR 2, I really hope they tweak the feats. I mean, it's not even funny. You can dual wield 2 full sabers and the penalties are still almost neglected. Staff is even worse, but you don't get the additional cristal slots. The x1.5 Str like in DnD sounds good, except that it kinda forgets the Dex based warriors. Personally, I would up the defense and attack bonus, and possibly add some damage. It might sound a lot, but it is required for the sake of balance. That being said, I'll play single saber for sure no matter what happens.
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