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Everything posted by Snickerdoodle

  1. I feel like this game lacks content. I have played through the hole game and give back to see whether or not I had missed any potential quests and could not find a thing to do. I did not expect this game to be fallout but I expected it to at least have some measure of fallouts scale when it comes to questing, exploration, and encounters. The game lacks content of all kinds whether its weapons, weapon modifications, quests, enemies, and environments. The game had a good storyline, some good factions, and good npc's but content centered around all these elements was seriously limited. I hope that dlcs will help make up for the lack of content of they ever decide to come out. Even fallout 1 and especially 2, which obsidian made in the late 90s, had more content. This game's universe is great but it is severely lacking heft.
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