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About Zapp$ter

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  1. Zapp$ter


    I'm in the middle of reading the first Mistborn book as something a bit lighter in between Donaldson's Gap Cycle books which are often unremittingly bleak and grim. So it's hard for me to take in too much of them at a time. Awesome books though. It's fascinating to see how the "quicksand of plots and counter-plots", as one character puts it, unfolds. Mistborn is okay. The magic system is interesting and the world is... intriguing if slightly generic. Some of the dialogue and prose is heavy-handed though and just serves to draw me out of the experience. I'm still reading though which I guess counts for something.
  2. Yeah. That's on my list. It sounds like fun and has been getting decent reviews from my trusted forum sources. I just don't have the money for it at the moment. Perhaps I'll finally get off my arse and rent it for a while.
  3. I've taken up reading comics for the first time (well, I started last summer) and I've really enjoyed a number of them. I liked Planet Hulk and I didn't think WWH was that bad, slightly disappointing, but... as a result of it we got an Incredible Hercules title which has been a very fun read. Love the interplay between Herc and Cho. I still need to catch up on that. For me the only good thing about Civil War was seeing that final page. Oh and I suppose there was the Avengers: Initiative book spin off which has also been pretty fun. Stuff I've liked so far: Ultimates 1 and 2, Fables, Runaways (the Vaughan stuff mainly), Invincible, Walking Dead, Incredible Hercules, Mighty Avengers (the new run with Slott), Atomic Robo (awesome indie title), Green Lantern (Johns' run) + Corps, Powers, Agents of Atlas, Queen and Country, Criminal, Secret Six, Air, and Ultimate Spiderman. Stuff I've not liked: Ultimate X-men (mainly Kirkman's run), Ultimate FF (I suppose Carey's run wasn't too bad), Brit, Capes inc., and some other stuff I'm stuggling to think of at the moment. I'm looking forward to trying out a couple of other things like Deadpool, Booster Gold, and that independent comic about Toys going to war or something. I forget the name but it's sold well apparently. Oh and of course there's the Farcsape comics (Yay!) which I must get round to but I'm waiting for the hardcover collections of those.
  4. Ah... that takes me back. Perhaps I should dust off my copy and load up another campaign. At the moment I'm working my way slowly through Shadow Complex, a cool XBLA title, which is pretty good. I still prefer Metroid: Zero Mission which is the game that really got my love affair with the 2d metroidy type games going.
  5. Today I went on another nostalgia trip looking for David Gaider quotes about NWN's singleplayer campaign in the run up to the game's release, that I may have imagined.
  6. I checked my email accounts today, one of which had a happy birthday message from missy dated about a month ago. This subsequently sent me on a nostalgia trip starting with my first foray into internet forumdom on the BIS boards and then I remembered the lair. Jumped on the IRC channel and redirected to here. Totally forgot that I had an account here from way back. I've spied a number of familiar names already. Good to know some of the people are still going. Yay for awesome nostalgia trips!
  7. *casts thread necromancy* Wow. Just looking through the board to see if some familiar faces were active and I stumbled on this thread. Brings back memories *tear* I don't suppose anyone will remember me, I was a pretty forgettable forumite after all. Been out of the loop for absolutely ages. Nice to see some of the old lairites alive and kicking. Had some good times at that place. So... um... yeah... I think that's all I wanted to say.
  8. yay some forums are back up *Zapp$ter dashes back to the lair*
  9. Happy Birthday
  10. children
  11. Yeah that's what I meant by the crazy things he pulled in late season 2. Basically the mistakes he made in the Liars, Guns and Money trilogy of episodes. These were a couple of episodes down the line and as I recall the first part in the trilogy was the first time the crew had seen him since he abandoned them on the alien trial ship I was talking about. I think there were about 3-4 episodes in between that time. Either way though it started on the alien trial ship and the feelings the crew harboured towards him kind of grew in the later episodes you mentioned. Also I think he went crazy at a critical portion of the plan when they needed stark to input some sort of security code or something
  12. I came out of nostalgia. While I wasn't at the BIS boards for long before they were closed. It was the first forum community I had been part of and I enjoyed my time their particularly in discussions with devs etc. Plus I was hoping to see if some of the guys at the BIS boards might turn up here, who I haven't seen on the 'net in ages.
  13. I don't think it was just crichton that treated him poorly, the whole crew basically did. The only one that treated him decently was Zhaan. It was mainly because they didn't trust him, they didn't know what he was about if you know what I mean. I remember he pulled a couple of crazy things in late season 2. There's no clear reason why they treated him poorly AFAIK. It's been so long since I've seen some episodes of the show. I mainly watch my season one boxed set. Still need to get some money together to buy season 2 and 3 boxed sets. It's an interesting question though. One I might bring up on the farscape forums. You've got me thinking now. I might have to sleep on it edit: I'm tempted to say the reason is because he's a bit loony. But then again people who've watched the show know what happens to crichton also. So I don't think that would be the reason. Actually it may just have come to me while I was typing this edit. I now recall an episode where crichton stark, zhaan and I think d'argo are onboard talyn. They're waiting to contact some traders to refit some of talyn's systems/weapons or something because as you may know talyn is a bit trigger happy. For some reason stark activates talyn's weapons and opens fire on the trade ship and IIRC destroys it. A few more ships come along and take them captive as part of a trial to find out who was responsible. Naturally there are very different stories about what happened but the aliens come to the conclusion that it was stark(something crichton says brings this on). Anyway the punishment for the crime is death. So stark turns into his true noncorporeal energy ball type thing form and legs it. I think this is the reason for some of their mistrust and their treatment of him. They just don't know what he is likely to do when he snaps.
  14. I originally used the name Zappy_II or something similar on battle.net a while back when I dabbled in multiplayer diablo 2 back when it first came out. Of course I had and still have a crappy 56k modem so I didn't enjoy it. I joined the BIS boards a while back when I was interested in IWD2 and began following the development just as they were finishing up the project. I needed a name to use and so I thought back to my brief battle.net days. So I modified it to Zapp$ter( how clever of me <_< ). Since then I have used that name on various forums such as rpgcodex, bis, interplays, missy's and some other obscure anime based forums that I can't remember the name of. My avatar is from my favourtie scifi show Farscape. It's this crazy banik slave called Stark. I used to have this really hot chick as my avatar but I misplaced the picture on my hd and can't remember which site I got it from.
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