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Everything posted by Aristes

  1. Weird game. If you do what the instructions say, you miss everything and then fail. If you succeed? Well, I've only succeeded when I've found the Wolf. What does that tell you? haha
  2. Oh, it's frustrating and quite weird. EDIT: But I actually like it so far. It's worth the 9 bucks I paid for it. Take from that what you will.
  3. I've been playing a bit of everything. The Path is my latest, and it's just... weird.
  4. Well, now Musopticon? has got me interested in reading the damned book, so I've purchased it. I am Legend. Mostly, I'm interested to see how the Dr. in the book handles the infected. I think a LOT of Americans really loved 28 Days Later. Now that I'm warned about 28 Weeks, I'll probably love it. I'm serious, nothing like managing ones expectations. I'm interested in seeing the latest Liam Neeson film. Taken or something like that. Or I might see Watchmen again. It's like watching a train wreck. You want to hide your eyes, but you keep watching. Maybe I need to see a comedy to get away from the unsettling run of movies I've seen lately. Great flicks, but waaaaaaay too deep before take a dip into the ganga.
  5. Undoubtedly I would have liked the book better. Unfortunately, I have not read it. However we cut and dice it, I prefer the film Legend to the film 28 Days. Both films were successful commercially. Legend made a lot more money, but I imagine that has quite a bit to do with the amount of money going into both the production and advertising. I don't know. I watch some films and prefer some to others. When I'd read reviews of 28 Days, mostly here, I thought it would be a transcendant new take on Zombie horror. Instead I found a nice, entertaining film. Some aspects of it were great, such as the insane major and the ending. Some of it fells a bit short for me. None of it was truly bad, as such. Just disappointing. I've queued the sequel already. 28 Weeks Later? Something like that. I'll watch it and, it may be, I'll enjoy it so much I'll regret not seeing it in the theater. That's certainly not the way I felt about 28 Days. Maybe it's all about managing expectations. Of course, one thing about having such high expectations is that, even falling short, I found a lot to enjoy in the film. Not as much as you folks did, and that's probably a good excuse for you to keep trying to convince me that I really enjoyed 28 more than Legend or why a reasonable jury of twelve would undoubtedly agree with you concerning the nature of my insanity. Whatever. Folks around here prefer 28? Fair enough. I didn't. Liked both films. Both had great points. Both had shortcomings. I bought I am Legend after I rented it and regreted that I had not seen it in theaters. Not so for 28 Days Later. I'm going to watch Dark Knight tonight, I think. Unless the wife wants to watch Get Smart, in which case I might play World of Warcraft.
  6. You know, I really wasn't trying to say that citizen kane is bad. Really, I've just been a huge fan of Lawrence of Arabia since I first experienced it many years ago. The fact that both films have enjoyed tremendous critical acclaim, and still generate discussion today, shows that each is a masterpiece. I prefer LoA, but I don't begrudge anyone else enjoying CK, most certainly a classic. The wife and I went to seeing Knowing today. The film was truly remarkable. I'm afraid to spoil it, so I will only say that it's refreshing that the creative vision behind the film offered up his story in an intelligent fashion without dumbing down the philosophical message to impart a spiritual one. I did want to groan at a couple of parts, but the film was so well done, as well as so thoroughly disturbing, that I was mostly captivated.
  7. I dunno, samm, I didn't finish the review. I read the first page and decided to buy the game over STEAM. We'll see. I just hope I didn't get snookered into buying some stupid erotic, Japanesesque, pedophilic quasi-porn. On the other hand, his first impression was quite good and I'm going to dive right in for fear that his second impressions will ruin some of the story for me.
  8. I thought that 28 Days later was a bit campy. My favorite part of the film, and the best acting, was the Major. I actually sympathized with the bastard, even in his attempt to let his "lads" rape the two women. He saw his enclave as the last bastion of humanity and he was determined to save it. He wasn't egotistical or determined to promote himself. He was preoccupied with keeping his unit safe and ensuring the survival of his species. However, in terms of the acting, Smith did a most excellent job. The part after he meets with the other two survivors fell short of the beginning, but I buy into the very ending where the female survivor talks about Will Smith's character as the beginning of a legend. The overall production value and the effects in 28 Days was inferior to Legend. The idea that the glowing red eyed zombies in 28 Days is better than the pasty white skinhead version in Legend is laughable. As a premise, the two were more closely related, but the presentation and the hastened urgency of establishing the premise in 28 Days reminds me more of a DM trying to get his players into the action quicker than a director taking the time to develop a story. I have no concern of nationality when I see a movie. I do think, however, that some of the scenes in 28 Days smacked of low budget, and that is offputting to me. As far as Lawrence v. Citizen. I'm not suggesting that Lawrence is better and therefore Citizen is bad. I merely suggest that touting the innovation of the technical work sounds a bit hollow when discussing the entertainment value. I don't, however, discard the technical achievements. Those are important and it's only right to acknowledge them. Finally, as someone who read the Watchmen graphic novel some 20 years ago, I can only say that I was pleased with the film. It is excellent in the same sort of disturbing and unsettling way as the novel, which I'm now inspired to purchase and re-read.
  9. I watched 28 Days Later today. It wasn't bad, but I thought it would be better based on what I'd heard. I enjoyed it, but it was a pretty standard zombie film. Legend is much better. Lawrence of Arabia is an excellent film. It is a classic and, since I care more about entertainment than the history of filmmaking when I choose a film, I'll have to agree with Monte. The wife and I also watched the John Adams miniseries. I thought it was well done without a lot of license on the part of the writer, director, or producer, even down to the decaying teeth. I've always been a big fan of Adams and I think the movement in later years to show him in his proper place as vital to our revolution is excellent.
  10. Naw, the game is insanely easy now. I enjoy it with family and friends, but it's pretty damned easy since the xpac. It's especially easy to get to 70. I remember when making it to 60 was a real grind. On the one hand, not grinding as much is good. On the other hand, you really don't feel the same satisfaction for finishing a lot of the group and dungeon quests.
  11. All this time I've been trying to make sure no one caps the other sniper. I never tried to think of it as a solo mission with an invincible partner. Damn
  12. Damned foolish youth. Hope your thumb gets better in spite of yourself.
  13. My plan has always been to have my first character be a gatherer and then either change out my profs later when I figured out which toons needed to have which skills. It works very nicely. Later, when you've maxed out a couple of characters, you needn't worry too much. Hell, don't even bother auctioning. Just do dialies and quest a lot and the phat loot will build up.
  14. Heat isn't that hard. The sniper extraction mission, without hiding, is harder. Just keep using those airstrikes. Once you get past the house at the front of the field it's a cakewalk. Toss an air strike outside, then maybe one or two more down the hill, then just sprint down the left hand side of the map. I generally die more often trying to get back past the field than I do in the entire rest of the mission. Don't forget your smoke grenades as well. Enemies won't hit you if they can't see you. Yeah, the sniper extraction mission proved too much for me on veteran. Was there some sort of trick that I could have used? Sadly, I uninstalled the game a while back while cleaning my hardrive, but I might go through again just to beat that one.
  15. slug, go to the damned doctor. You're probably going to have to have that thumb lanced. Good Lord. My brother JUST had the exact same thing. It's almost uncanny. Anyhow, just go have the doctor take care of your thumb and get some antibiotics in you. With all respect to you, Ros, I think the gin treatment might not do the whole thing in this case, especially if the thumbnail has become ingrown. Just go to the doctor.
  16. Guard Dog, dude, take care of yourself, bro. You hit the sauce too much.
  17. Someone here mentioned watching W a while back. He said it was actually pretty good.
  18. Over the past couple of weeks I've watched 16 Blocks -- typical Bruce Willis fare, which is fine by me. He did a great job with it. Entertaining. Jarhead -- funny and weird. I especially like it when the Viet Nam vet jumps on the bus at the end. How awkward was that for the poor guys? Kingdom -- Another one with Jamie Fox. Good movie. It was part police procedural, part commentary, and part action. A bit slow moving in places, but I liked it well enough. Clash of the Titans -- Just as cheesy as it was when it came out in 1981. However, that full backside nudity of the female lead near the end (haha) is still a classic. The movie is worth it if you watch it with folks who don't mind making fun of the effects and dialogue during the show. I plan on Watching the Watchmen when it comes out. I remember thinking the graphic novel was great when I read it years ago. I have some hope for the movie.
  19. I noticed on the text review you linked that someone gave the game a 3/10. How? HOW?! HAHAHAHAHHAHA.... *pauses to catch breath* HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... *gasps for breath* HAHAHAHAA .... *whew* I wonder if maybe this problem was confined to the reviewer. I'll read some other reviews. Absolute comedy. The reviews are more interesting than the game.
  20. Well... that's a long and boring story. I had a variety of things to do in the first place for a couple of different people. Nevada had two things going. One was for a public service in the city and the other was doing a film short. The Texas trip was to help relocate someone from Northern California to Austin. The third trip to Virginia is actually a vacation. I spend a LOT of time on the road for a variety of reasons. Most of them would bore you to tears, I promise! lol
  21. That was a great review and one of the few that I will use exclusively for my decision not to buy a game.
  22. Finished FEAR 2. I've actually enjoyed all the FEAR titles. I know some folks didn't like the second one, but I thought it played well. FEAR 2 really isn't any better than... what was it called? Perseus Mandate or something? I dunno. Anyhow, I enjoyed FEAR 2 PJ just fine. The ending was a bit much for me. I rolled my eyes at that one. Otherwise, a nice shooter and a lot of fun. I was playing FEAR 2 when someone on my friends list invited me to a PvP Left4Dead game. I just wanted to finish FEAR, so I ditched when they had an extra person. I was almost done when I headed out of town.
  23. I was in Texas mostly. Believe me, I was more dismayed at my flight getting cancelled last night than coming home this morning. I was gone for a week or so, then back for two days, then gone for almost a week, now I'm back for four days, then I'm off for a a little over a week again. This time, the wife is coming with me, so I'm happy.
  24. I agree. There's nothing wrong with gameplay mechanic of weapon degradation, but the rates in almost all games are way too high, where it just becomes annoying without adding anything to the gameplay. I agree entirely. I don't mind seeing some degradation, but I would rather have it associated either with inferior weapons or lack of care. Maybe the age of the weapon. I think this is something that Fallout 3 does well with the jamming feature. If the weapon is in great shape it does more damage and is less likely to jam. It doesn't break gameplay, but it does reward players who take care of their weapons. I think weapons that are extremely well made/cared for should deteriorate more slowly or perhaps not at all depending on the time frame for the game. If you're in a game world that has a short time frame, such as maybe 36 hours, then I don't think your weapon should break unless you specfically do something to break it. Fallout 3 wasn't perfect, and I would like to see the mechanics tightened, but I don't want to spend the entire game tinkering with my weapon, realism or not. In much the same way as fast respawns, I think games that feature deteriorating equipment tend to go too far in actual gameplay. I've been playing a little bit of FEAR 2. I have a bit of jetlag and I'm afraid that the game is making me a bit nauseated to play.
  25. I returned home.
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