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Everything posted by bisurge

  1. It was a test, to see if Exile could kill her and end their bond breaking his chains and regaining his own connection to the force... It was the ultimate decision. I loled. How do you know that the Exile is a he? That's maybe only in your game .
  2. Yes I'm pretty sure you can train Bao-Dur. But I trained him to try to be a Sentinel (I forgot but I'm pretty sure he didn't and I took him out of my party). Bao-Dur has good skills.
  3. There's those problems on PC too. I'm really sorry, but let's face it: IT'S REALLY BUGGY. The first one isn't buggy, but the storyline sucks.
  4. Hey look at the sub-description. Which one will win. Well, if they fought each other it depends if the dual wielder has good upgrades. If he doesn't, he loses. If he does, he wins.
  5. Don't forget battle meditation! naw, you dont need battle meditation Well Master Meditation gives +4 to hitrate, and seriously, if your dual wielding, that is VALUABLE.
  6. Not really... Pretty much it's all up to the upgrades. There's one thing though. You need to get any Flurry feat, Master Valor, and Master Speed before it becomes better.
  7. Ha! I was also right! In the other thread I told you that but nooo nobody would listen. People always think "pix or it didn hapen". Thanks for the pix man. Just like in D&D, the dual wield feat also affects double weapons, though for double you have to use a full-round attack, or you don't get the second damage.
  8. Not only Mace Windu. There were two others in the extended series, both with purple. Now guys, put your hands together because I did some number crunching! YAY ME!!! WARNING: THIS PAGE IS ONLY FOR PEOPLE WHO HAVE TAKEN AN ALGEBRA 1 CLASS (American standards). I made a mistake in my other thread (or was it this thread?). The total attacks per round with Master Force Speed and any Flurry feat is.. 7 for double bladed and 8 for dual wield. Single bladed actually gets 4 attacks per round. Double Bladed - Main Hand: 1 basic+2 Master Force Speed+1 Flurry; Off Hand: 1 basic+2 Mastery Force Speed; Grand Total: 7 attacks per round Dual Wield - Main Hand: 1 basic+2 Master Force Speed+1 Flurry; Off Hand: 1 basic+2 Master Force Speed+1 Flurry; Grand Total: 8 attacks per round Single Bladed - Seriously do I really have to list these; same as dual wield main hand Now let's do some number crunching. Double Bladed - Equation: 7.5x+28, where x is your strength modifier and the constant is the extra damage from Master Force Valor.; How much Str. Needed to be Better than Dual Wield: x>+2. Actually it should be greater than or equal to. That's right, if your strength modifier is a +2, then Double-Bladed LSaber is better. Dual Wield - Equation: 6x+32, where x is your strength modifier and the constant is the extra damage from Mastery Force Valor.; How much Str. Needed to be Better than Double-Bladed: x<+2. That's right, after you get a +2 modifier, Dual Wield starts lagging behind due to Double-Bladed LSaber's greater slope (7.5) of linear growth, compared to Dual Wield's (6). The last time I checked, 7.5>6. NOTES: NOTE1: I'm a nerd, that's why I did these number crunches. NOTE2: These are WITHOUT MODIFIERS, CRYSTALS AND CORES. I think that's what makes the large difference. NOTE3: DO NOT POST THESE ANYWHERE ELSE BECAUSE PEOPLES' BRAINS MIGHT ASPLODE. NOTE4: Sorry for the double post. NOTE5: This is for those of you who use a single lightsaber. Equation: 4x+16. That's it. That's the damage you get with a single lightsaber. It's not bad, I say, it can kill I mean, but seriously, if you want to do damage, GO FOR THE DOUBLE-BLADED (unless you want to spend uber amounts of money on cores). However, with whatever mode (I forgot), there's a major difference. With Form VII (I think, I'm really not sure of which forms are which), all I know is that it gives a +4 in physical attacks, making this baby a 4x+32; however, it gives a -1 defense and a -4 in saving throws, NICE CHANCES TO HIT HOWEVER! +3 WHOOOO!!! That's what makes this build shine. Whatever form that is, all of a sudden this baby becomes dual wield -2 attacks, but with a +3 hit rate. However, not even dual wield has a -1 in defense and -4 in saving throws (though I think it should, if you compare it with RL). So let's compare in terms of damage and defense, optimizing damage: Excellent>Great>Good>Bad>Poor (just like DDR without the Perfect) Double Bladed: Excellent offense, cheap, Bad defense, Good hitrate Dual Wield: Excellent offense, expensive, Bad defense, Good hitrate Single Bladed: Great damage, cheap, Poor defense, Excellent hitrate Now let's optimize defense: Double Bladed: can't change anything without cores Dual Wield: can't change anything without cores Single Bladed: now, this uses a different form that gives a -4 in attack and hitrate and a +4 in saving throws and defense. Let's take a look - +7 defense, -1 hitrate, -4 attack, +4 saving throws, which comes out to a... Poor damage, cheap, Excellent defense, Bad hitrate ^ That is the ultimate tank build (Single Bladed with that form, if you have an extra lightsaber for a tank, let's say the wookie, then USE IT!!!) Note7: THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT NOTE. ALL THE ABOVE IS CALCULATED USING THE LIGHT SIDE FORCE POWER MASTER FORCE VALOR AND THE UNIVERSAL POWER+FEAT MASTER FORCE SPEED+ANY FORM OF FLURRY (respectively) Yes, I'm a nerd. Here are the number crunches. All in all, without upgrades, Double Bladed is better in offense, Single bladed is better in defense, and dual wield is just plain expensive to get good.
  9. This post has been moved to the other thread for relevance.
  10. I find always in the movies and extended series that black Jedi (no racism) always have purple lightsabers. Purple is a cool color, so it's not like it's bad, but there's rarely any variation, and those people with the pants over their head ALWAYS have green or blue lightsabers. Caucasians always have green, blue, yellow, or red (different variations on red, though, I could've sworn one Sith's lightsaber was half on the pink side). So maybe George Lucas had a sense of nativism by giving his race the most color variation.
  11. Well DUH. Who doesn't like the oriental lightsaber? I love green ones, btw. If it were only a style of looks and nothing else, I would so go for green single lightsaber!!!
  12. So that's why double-bladed is not uber-cheap; dual wield gets 4 and double-bladed gets 3. Oh well, Master Speed makes up for a large percentage of that loss.
  13. Does the double-bladed lightsaber get 2 extra attacks with flurry, or just one? I never really payed much attention, but I think that if it does it might be a little overpowered for something so much cheaper than dual wielded lightsabers, simply because it gets 1.5x strength. It's still worth thought if it doesn't though, once again because of the 1.5x strength. I believe it's better if you don't have a good upgrade core (or crystal, I've always wondered, does a str. crystal, if it exists because I've never found one, stack with a strength core?).
  14. Yes it is. It says all dual weapons (dual melee weapons, dual lightsabers, dual blasters) or DOUBLE-BLADED WEAPONS (double-bladed weapons) receive the subtraction of the penalty. Maybe so, but not always the case. Especially with the upgraded versions of Burst of Speed, single lightsabers only get half of what double-bladed or dual lightsabers get. Same with Force Valor and its upgrades. Think about it like this. With the Master Valor feat, and the Master Burst of Speed (I think that's what it's called), and Master Flurry (or any Flurry feat), let's add it up. Master Valor gives 4 extra damage PER ATTACK, Master Burst of Speed gives 2 extra attacks, and Flurry gives an extra attack for each hand (or blade, or does it? Does Flurry give 2 extra attacks with double-bladed or only 1?)*, that's... 4 extra attacks, 2 basic attacks, and 4 extra damage per attack. So 6 attacks with an extra physical damage on each... 24 extra damage+6 attacks. That's a lot of damage. So, if you're going to be dual wield or double bladed, it makes sense to be light sided and using armor that doesn't restrict Burst of Speed. In fact, even if the first few miss, the others will probably hit, and Master Flurry only gives a -1 or -2 on attack rolls. Now for single bladed, let's see... it's 2 extra attacks with 4 damage per attack. So that's 12 damage+3 attacks. I'm sorry, that doesn't even BEGIN to compare with dual-wielding or double-bladed. With the max dual feats and a balanced weapon, a -0, -2 in attack isn't that big of a deal. Let's think logically, -0 will hit almost as many times as a single bladed, and if your double bladed it receives 1.5x the strength modifier. -2 will hit almost as many times as your main hand, and close to the number of times you hit with a single lightsaber (many > close > near > far > can't even begin to compare, in my opinion), at least 2/3 of how many times the main hand hits.... so that's a bit more damage, don't you think? (sarcasm). However, single bladed DOES increase defense, and all in all that's the whole point of a single lightsaber: the extra defense cancels a lot of lightsaber forms that you struggle using otherwise, and it lowers need for dex, allowing you to pour more into strength at the beginning of the game, and in the middle (but in the middle you shouldn't even think of adding dex unless you always get hit or if you use blasters). * If double-bladed only gets 1 extra attack from Flurry, then calculations would be: 20 extra damage+5 attacks. The attacks receive 1.5x strength though, so that's also a boon. Conclusion: If you want to use lightsaber forms and/or have more defense, be a single bladed lightsaber. Single bladed lightsaber wielders are good against bosses, too, and can easily take out the three lightsabers Kreia sends after you in the end. However, double-bladed or dual wielded lightsabers can offer EXTREME amounts of damage compared to single bladed lightsabers. It all depends on what you want. If you want to tank, be a single bladed lightsaber (the wookie I use only uses one sword or axe, because it gets defense from Dueling); if you want to be something like a huge damage dealer, then be dual wield. It's like D&D; people who use single swords are single weapons always are tanks (except Barbarian in Rage, and usually they use 2h weapons) simply because they have shields. In KotOR2, Dueling is your shield. Paladins, Fighters, etc., etc., all are tanks because they do better with single weapons. However, if you read about the Ranger D&D class, even when they Dual Wield, they are DAMAGE DEALERS. They always have a -2, -2 penalty to their attacks, but they have two attacks and can deal massive damage to enemies with low defense, and crit a lot to enemies with high defense. So it all depends on what you want to specialize in. BTW, double-bladed and single bladed are the same price, contrary to popular belief. Only dual wielding is more expensive.
  15. Well, let's see the advantages in all their glory. Single Lightsaber: Dueling gives defense. That's why it's dueling! It's excellent for 1v1 (using battle modes or something... I don't know much about it because I don't know how to use battle modes; apparently it can negate much of the negative effects). Also, the defense is good for taking on tons of mobs at once. Good for the [rant]"based-off-of-movie-and-book-because-in-the-book-ONLY-DARTH-MAUL-ever-uses-something-other-than-a-single-lightsaber-in-the-books."[/rant] This would be my choice, if it didn't take so long to get. Double Bladed: It's cheap. VERY VERY CHEAP!!! for the good damage output. Also, it can easily kill, and with the speed boost buff (universal power) it gives not two, but four extra attacks. It's also excellent with Flurry and its upgrades. Also good for Darth Maul fans... (though he gets owned by Obi-Wan, who should be a dueling Consular). I don't think this is good for mobs of enemies. Dual Wield: VERY VERY EXPENSIVE!!! for AMAZING damage output. It easily kills, does the best damage, works well with the speed buff, works well with Flurry. However, I find I lose health A LOT more easily with this than with other weapons... and that the feats for these will never be completely maxed out. Good for Anakin vs. Dooku fans... (thought Anakin gets owned by Dooku, who should be a dueling Guardian). Personally, I find it easily defeated by 4+ enemies (without gun support or a second tank, of course). Blaster Rifle: Yes, I'm including these. These SUCK, though you can use them if you want to be like a clone or storm trooper. Equip them on your allies and see what happens; amazing things! However, Blaster Pistols (2x) > Blaster Rifle Blaster Pistol: No point in a single one. You don't need the extra defense because they'll never reach you (though it IS annoying trying to kill Kreia... and it takes SOOOOO long to kill other enemies). Blaster Pistol x2: If you use Stun (or its upgrades) or Fear (or its upgrades), this becomes an EXCELLENT choice if you don't want to get hurt. It's for people who want to "play it safe", and by god, IT WORKS!!! But it kills slow, can't take on more than what Force Insanity can affect, and needs a tank (unless you're a Consular using pistols and can spam Insanity/Stun). However, you can get these fairly early on in the game. Melee Weapons: Put them on your Wookie (forgot his name); he's meant to tank not lightsaber!
  16. Have you tried clicking space again? Sometimes after playing a hardcore RPG I forget that this game isn't a "fast action" game.
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