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  1. I have been doing a lot of investigation into quests, there are a few things I noticed as far as Apotheosis. To start there is a bug where no changes made in the "Experience Level" field are ever saved. _____________________________________________ Quest/Objective nodes seem to always have 2 strings entries attached to each node. "0" is always the name of the quest, and "10000" is the initial description. After that any single digit stringtable entry is an Objective Title, with an additional ~1000* entry that is will be the description for that objective. Using the quest Bounty - Ikorno (BOUNTY_TSK_Battlemage) as an example: Node: 0 Quest title (0) : Bounty - Ikorno Quest Description (10000) : Ikorno, an aumaua wizard, makes sport of killing elite Huana warriors. Those who suspect him of being a Rauataian agent have put a bounty on his head. Node: 1 Objective (1) : Kill Ikorno. Description (10001) : Ikorno was last seen on the central isles of the Kua o Rikuhu chain. When I find him I can kill him for the bounty. Node: 2 Objective (2) : Return to Okauro. Description (10002) : I dealt with Ikorno. Okauro in the Sacred Stair district of Neketaka will want evidence of the kill in exchange for the reward. It would be great to be able to have both string displayed and able to be edited on the relevant node in the Node Diagram. _____________________________________________ An update on this issue. I think I have pinned it down to not being an problem with Apotheosis making additions to the the quest, but rather it seems there is a limitation in place that stops the adding of new nodes to a quest mid-game in general. I realised I'd only ever tested this by loading a pre-existing save. What you know, upon starting a new game and triggering the quest to start on the new quest node (19) it seems to work without issue. Further testing on other quests and with adding nodes elsewhere in the sequence yields the same results. New game: the quest appears to continue just fine when it hits a new node. Existing save: the quest bugs out when it hits a new node. This is also the case for new quests: While brand new quests can be added mid-game, they will run into the same issue once they become part of the game as it were. Fantastic! Looking forward to it!
  2. Probably, but the character is at the end of the day only an adventurer that you can just recreate at any inn. All you need is this mod for Dyrwood Culture, and the portraits which are are in the gui folder of the .character (it's pretty much a zip file). Save your game and exit. For the voice you can either remove the conditional statement in between the [square brackets] after "Components": [] "PlayerVoice_Durance.gamedatabundle" or select it later in the character customizer once you have done following. Change all the instances of "135d47bd-5a32-4af1-8a44-1f7d3822b0f9" in the mod's files to whatever the new GUID is for the character. You can find their GUID by hovering the mouse cursor over the character and entering this command into the console: PrintInstance oei_hovered It'll be in the combat log and should be on your clipboard for you to paste somewhere outside of game to reference.
  3. That's really fascinating to me. Partially because the Principi faction quest is the only one I've never got very far into. So is a massive blind spot to me for how it all ends. But mainly because I never realised it would be completely possible to skip Crookspur! Glad you got it figured out.
  4. Yeah strings can be a real pain to do manually. I just use the Apotheosis modtool to handle that now. I'd say that's a fair reaction to have, and exactly where I am at after implementing that small portion of Durance. I mean, I wasn't actually planning to release it, and when I started working on getting it ready to release I briefly considered just pushing myself to put all of his conversation into the game. But the logistics of recreating everything, testing all of it, and the likely possibility of then releasing it only to be told that something wasn't working under very specific circumstances. It was all too much to do to myself! It's entirely possible Zahua doesn't have lines for some contexts, in which case don't worry about it. Some things in the Deadfire voices are unique to that game, and of those there are a couple as well that are unique to the Player/Adventurer voices ("can_do" for example) and vice versa. It's the character trying to attack and Critical Hitting their target or whiffing by a wide margin. In DnD terms if you are Zuhua, you roll a d20 to attack and... You've just rolled a "20"! You are very pleased with your immaculate execution of the form! You've just rolled a "1"... You are most disappointed with how sloppy your technique was... If you're unclear about any of the other events, I'm happy to help! Ah shoot, I really missed out on a lot of banter between those 2 when I replaced Edér with Zahua on my playthrough of White March. Honestly Zahua was such a great addition to the game! His story and dialogue is ranks really among the best. Having him in my party in first game actually convinced me I needed roll a monk Watcher when progressing onto Deadfire. Monks in this setting are just so cool! Anyway getting back on topic. That was only my opinion. If you want to give adding conversations to Deadfire a go, I would point you to the "conversation" tab in Apotheosis as the way to do it. It's pretty much the closest you can get to writing and implementing dialogue in the same way designers of the game did when making it. Which is pretty daunting, but once you get a handle on how it all works it's probably my favourite thing in the editor to just mess around with!
  5. Hey noqn, could I make a request for a chatter editor as future addition? Meant to ask about it in the past but always stopped short of typing up a request for it. What with interest in voice modding being a real niche within a niche. And the need to expend the capabilities of an existing voice being a niche within that niche. But mainly because honestly .chatterbundle file structures are a pretty weird layout amongst the other node based data types. I wouldn't even be able to describe how the layout for that should look! But I thought it couldn't hurt to ask. As much as the idea of looping scripts scare me, that's actually a really good solution!
  6. You can look at one of the voices here for an idea of how to package it up as a mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/366 Expanding the voice to allow for additional files and logic is possible through the creation of a new version of the .chatterbundle file. As I did with Durance. But this can get very technical and there isn't any documentation for that sort of modding. To the point I understand enough to do it myself, but not enough to really say with any certainty why or how it works. As it is I'm not really in a position to give a step by step for the process at the moment. Sorry My honest opinion as far as recreating a PoE1 companion's conversations, is that it would be an unnecessary amount of work. Really it would be much more feasible for someone to code something that'd handle the conversion between games, than doing it all by hand. Even then I really don't think the different writing styles make directly porting PoE1's verbose prose to Deadfire's tiny dialogue box a good combination. The voices and portraits already bring enough of the character across.
  7. Yeah. Having created a few custom voices the process for implementing them is pretty laborious. Even at the most basic level the file management and conversion into the .wem audio format gets pretty mind numbing. But if you are not put off by it, I wrote a guide on a basic implementation of a custom voice using the Deadfire "kind" voice type as a basis. Now a days I'd recommend Apotheosis for setting up the gamedata over filling out the template though. The results won't be something like Durance voice in the Custom Sidekick Example mod though. Since that is a large step up in complexity involving defining a new voice type through a new .chatterbundle entry.
  8. Hmm, assuming I'm looking at the right conversion in Apotheosis I think I can see what is causing the problem. Is it possible you have skipped the quests centred on Crookspur maybe? Would you mind loading your save and opening the console with the ` or ~ key (Don't worry this won't disable achievements). Then pasting the following: PrintGlobal n_FQP_Slavers_Quest_Stage & PrintGlobal n_Crookspur_Kua_Outcome & PrintGlobal n_Slaver_Boss_State Does the message in the combat log look like this? : 'n_FQP_Slavers_Quest_Stage': 0 'n_Crookspur_Kua_Outcome': 0 'n_Slaver_Boss_State': 0
  9. There's a workaround for this in the Community Patch that sets it to clear on rest: https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/335 If you just want the workaround then: 1. Open Notepad, then copy & paste the following into it: { "GameDataObjects": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.AfflictionGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "AFF_Slog_Zone", "ID": "06ae3f34-ebfb-4cc9-bca0-c488dbe197b4", "Components": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.StatusEffectComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "ClearOnRest": "true", "ClearOnFoodRest": "true" } ] } ] } 2. Save the file as: "slog_zone_clear.gamedatabundle" (make sure there is no ".txt" at the end of the file when you save it) 3. Move it inside of a new folder within the "override" folder. "override" can be found inside the "PillarsOfEternityII_Data" directory located somewhere like: Steam: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire\PillarsOfEternityII_Data\" GoG: "C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Games\Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire\PillarsOfEternityII_Data\" Waddle over to an inn or somewhere you can rest and do so and that should clear it. Alternatively you can remove it from all current party members with Console commands (Cheat's Disable Achievements):
  10. I released a mod a while ago that's a proof of concept with a recreation of Durance's full voice set. Otherwise, at least as far as I'm aware, there are only a few voice mods for Deadfire. There isn't a lot of interest in the topic unfortunately
  11. Full Respec Companions works from what I have seen. Just make sure you're installing BepinEX (the mod platform it comes with) in the correct directory: " \Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire\BepInEx " not " \Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire\PillarsOfEternityII_Data\BepInEx " Otherwise Reclassify Companions is pretty simple setup as you just put it in the override folder like other Deadfire mods.
  12. Taking a break from all things Obsidian Forums and Deadfire for a while.

  13. This what I can gather from looking through some of the PoE1 game files: Raedric_State|5 = You killed Raedric. Kolsc_State|6 = Kolsc is alive. Or he was. The last you saw of him, he'd arrived at Raedric's Castle and thanked you for dealing with Raedric for him. (Narratively speaking, if he did die your watcher wasn't responsible.) Kolsc_Quest_Stage|2 = I'm pretty sure this means the quest resolved. It's the exact same on my PoE1 save import where I had completed the quest by killing Raedric. I tried looking into this variable's different states in PoE1... Lets just say that "6" means the "quest is complete" by the standards of Deadfire Custom Legacy Creation and leave it at that. The different states of this variable only raise more questions about PoE1 than they do in regard to reactivity in Deadfire as far as I can tell. deathguard_main|0 = No one told you about Raedric's returned from the dead. Which to be fair, is very easy to miss. So the answer would be: "Raedric and Kolsc." -> "What happened to Raedric and Kolsc?" -> "I killed Raedric." You don't have to select anything for "Champion of Berath" as selecting "I killed Raedric.", though you can always select "I didn't defeat Raedric a second time." if you'd like.
  14. Weird the message got posted twice for some reason...
  15. Ah, well that was my best guess for what could have happened. Not really sure what trigger for the conversation is, maybe it's just a strange edge case that you stumbled into. What I will say from looking at the scripting for the endslides of PoE1, "n_Aloth_ending" = "0" is a valid outcome for the end of the game. To accommodate this the logic for Aloth's endslide also uses the Authority/Autonomy variables I mentioned as a fallback to decided which ending you get for him. The result of this will be the same outcome as if n_Aloth_ending were "2" or "3", which is also the case in Deadfire. Which is what the "Autonomy ≥ Authority" or "Authority > Autonomy" on the endings page of the wiki that Chaospread linked refers to. Likewise Deadfire only needs to use these as a fallback for the n_Aloth_ending = "0" outcome, which is why they aren't included in the Custom Legacy Creation options. If it makes things simpler, from what you've described your responses in PoE1 pushed Aloth towards Autonomy. So "He became dedicated to dismantling the Leaden Key-" is what you should pick to match your PoE1 save. "0" is the default value of most global variables in these games. His personal quest, and death in PoE1 are tracked by separate variables. Honestly my advice is to save your sanity and just not think too much into the meaning behind these numbers. Speaking from experience divining purpose from variables is a path of madness and mod creation! The logic that determines it is likely something like: "is the number in Eder's Faith axis variable less than 0?" -1 and -5 (both less than 0) are both valid so the statement passes. There is a another statement that is something like: "is the number in Eder's Faith axis 0 or higher?" Which can't pass since the number is in the negative. If you are referring to Edér being both "Anti-Eothasian" and "Pro-Eothasian" that is always the case in Deadfire. Aloth is the only Deadfire companion with that kind of reactivity. Edér still regards Eothasians (worshipers of Eothas) as genuinely good honest people, and dislikes those who would say otherwise. After all he did witness, and endured to some extent, the persecution of worshipers of Eothas after the Saints War. However his opinions on Eothas (the god) isn't represented in his likes and dislikes. I think in Deadfire Edér can still at times come off as being devoted to Eothas even if he's no longer believes that the gods have the best interests of Kith in mind. It could be he's still reluctant reach to admit his god is not infallible without first hearing the big green man out first. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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