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Everything posted by Mulatdood

  1. The less things you have to collect the better. Infiinte ammo is the next step that started with people no longer being required to carry rations.
  2. Yeah, a "BIG THANKS" to Rockstar for that... Well I think that Rockstar was in the right. The content was locked out so, I don't think the game's rating should have changed. And because of a mod Oblivion's rating was changed from T to M. The ESRB are way out of line. What I wanted to know about the diolog was will diolog choices effect the result of a conversation? Will mission objectives change based on conversation responces?
  3. Not having save points before bosses in Ninja Gaiden. Final Fantasy XII's skill sytem. When I was playing FFXII I would buy skills that I couldn't use because 1. You have to buy a licence that nobody sells in order to use the skill. 2. You have to buy an Item that nobody sells in order to use the skill. So the only things on the skill board thing that you could use were the power ups that were around. I quit shortly after eleven hours in. The Item based skill gains in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. Your ability to gain new skills was based on if the shop keeper managed to get a new item in since you gained your last skill, which stunted skill growth. When talking about pure nonsense one must suggest the ending of Indigo Prophecy.
  4. I'm playing Rock Band for the Xbox 360, and sometimes Dynasty Tactics 2 for the PS2.
  5. I'm looking at the diolog on page 45, and it seems that no matter what diolog path you select, you end up at the same place. This makes me wonder. To what extent to the choices you make affect the outcome of the game?
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